Se believes that children often do not live a more satisfying life than their parents. They remain unconsciously faithful to patterns that could develop conflicts, illnesses, addictions and personal stagnation in the future. Family constellations are a way of revealing what we cannot see with our eyes.
A family constellation is a therapeutic procedure that is carried out in a group way, although sometimes it may be convenient to carry out individual sessions, since it focuses on the deepest corners of consciousness.
In the mid-90's, Bert Hellinger, a German philosopher, theologian, pedagogue and psychotherapist, founded this technique based on the theory that people have unconscious negative anchors that are responsible for transmitting distressing feelings that we cannot easily get rid of.
These same anchors will often guide us to imitate certain behaviors or to live some negative states repeatedly, without even knowing how to solve them..
Family constellations will be the way we can, once and for all, end these patterns that will prevent us from living happily and fully. In the same way, the purpose is to discover the hidden dynamics of the family, through a gentle method that will lead us to a solution.
First, it should be noted that this is a technique that has recently become fashionable, so on the internet we will find countless centers and people that offer this therapy, but without any deontological code or health standard..
Therefore, it is necessary to go to a specialized center, such as Fuente de Terapias, a center for psychological help online and in person, directed by Yolanda Fuente Lagar, a psychotherapist with numerous degrees, techniques and therapies that make her one of the professionals best prepared to offer both individual and group family constellation therapy.
The constellation therapy offered by Yolanda Fuente has a very high success rate and with it we can treat from problems in relationships and economic conflicts, to addictions, illnesses and even depression.
Several people meet, including of course the therapist or constellator. Later sessions are held that can last an afternoon.
Frequently in this therapy between 3 and 6 people meet, everything will depend on the way in which the group has been structured. Each of them will have their turn, which will last approximately one hour.
In this period, each person participating in the therapy will be an active part of it, being able to be selected to recreate the experiences of the unconscious of the person to whom the therapy is performed.
After each turn, there is a pause of a few minutes to rest and continue with the constellation. This allows the work dynamics of the session to be continuous and for each person to carry out a group and personal effort.
Although it does not hurt that the people who attend this type of therapy have knowledge about the technique, it is not entirely necessary, since it works in an orderly, creative and experiential way.
In the constellation many things come to light that we cannot see, but that our body can feel and with which we can explain many things.
In fact, it is believed that some diseases are a way that existence has of showing us what we are not observing, and at a certain moment, the body somatizes it.
It is common that during this therapy people experience strong emotions and know details that they did not know about their relatives, for many generations, from participation in wars, diseases, homicides, etc..
This type of individual therapy is as effective as a group family constellation session..
In the middle Source of Therapies, You work with the person who goes to the consultation and the other representatives are replaced by other objects, such as dolls, markers, chairs, cushions, etc..
This work where family members are replaced by dolls or other elements, is of the type symbolic. It allows us to expand the knowledge that we can have about ourselves and about how to deal with those situations that cause us discomfort.
Sometimes an individual session prior to a group constellation can be very effective.
This therapy is mainly effective to treat problems of a systemic nature, when the origin of the problem is due to familiar behavior patterns that have remained in our consciousness..
Family constellation therapy is perfect for helping resolve all family conflicts, and to find meaning and purpose in life, however, it is also just as effective in solving personal issues.
In a group, Relationship problems between families, siblings, children or couples are often frequent. While personally, addictions, financial problems and emotional problems can be solved with this therapy.
In general, this therapy is aimed at people who, for example, suffer from stage fright or difficulties to show themselves in a group, who want to discover the cause of their traumas or who wish to improve their personal relationships.
The family constellation is a therapy that can become pretty deep, And according to Hellinger, the creator of the family constellations, affirms that the energy with which it is treated in this type of therapies, is mainly energy from the soul.
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