The attractiveness from the point of view of psychology and biology

Robert Johnston
The attractiveness from the point of view of psychology and biology

In today's article, we are going to talk about physical attractiveness, and why it is so important from a psychology point of view. And it is that, although we all "know" naturally that it is something important, not everyone is very clear why it is.

Why are we attracted to attractive people?

I know that, from a semantic point of view, the question is a truism. Attractive people attract others, and they attract others because they are attractive. This does not have much of a leaflet.

However, if we stop to think about it from a more “profound” point of view, we could ask ourselves why it is not the less attractive people who most attract others.

And the first thing to note here is that what is attractive or not is culturally constructed. This means that what is attractive is not the same at all times and places, but depends on cultural conditions..

For example, there are islands in the Pacific where what is considered attractive is being fat, because it is linked to wealth. Here, for a long time, we considered that the attractive was to have very fair skin, whereas, now, the attractiveness is to go dark.

As you can see, therefore, what is attractive is largely cultural. But ... Is it just cultural?

Biology also influences

The truth is that no. Let's say that what is considered attractive from a cultural point of view refers to what is attractive “for the socially accepted”. But the truth is that there are biological issues that make us, on a personal and individual level, attract a specific type of person.

What kind of person?

Well, in the case of men, we are attracted to those who are strong, big, with muscles and with a weight adjusted to their height. In the case of women, we are attracted to those who have large breasts, wide hips, and a tight weight (although a little less than in the case of men).

That is why, although there are differences between one and the other, they all constantly seek to improve their weight. Pages like, where they sell weight loss products, could not exist without this interest.

Now, why are these characteristics considered "attractive" from a biological point of view? The truth is that it is a simple explanation:

On the man's side, the attributes that make them attractive are those that, in the past, guaranteed a good chance of survival. If you are strong and have a muscular body, it will be easier for you to hunt, more difficult for them to hunt you, and more difficult for them to open your head if we fight with the next tribe..

On the other hand, on the part of women, reproductive capacities are valued. Thus, wide hips are guarantees of fewer problems when giving birth (after all, in the past, deaths in childbirth were very high). Large breasts, meanwhile, guaranteed fat reserves with which to feed the baby (in addition to surviving herself).

Therefore, these physical characteristics are not accidental, and it is not accidental that, beyond cultural issues, everyone, in all cultures, is attracted to more or less the same types of people..

As you can see, there are psychological and evolutionary reasons for wanting to feel attractive and, of course, to be attracted to those people who have certain physical attributes (versus other people who do not have those attributes)..

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