Sex without compromise, advantages and disadvantages

Abraham McLaughlin
Sex without compromise, advantages and disadvantages

If human sexuality is characterized by something it is by its level of creativity, it could almost be said that there are as many sexual variants as there are people. Although for most of the population enjoying sex means having a stable and monogamous partner, that does not mean that there are those who like to experience other types of relationship. Enjoying sex without committing to having a romantic relationship with the other person is a valid option. Sex does not always have to imply love.


  • Sexuality and emotions
  • Benefits of sex without compromise
  • Dangers of sex without commitment
  • References

Sexuality and emotions

Although there are many people who believe that sex is an intimate bond that is established only with the person they love, we also find individuals who see sex as a way to have fun without the need to bond emotionally with the other person. This type of relationship is not suitable for everyone and nothing happens for it. Having sex with someone does not mean that you should fall in love with that someone. There are many and many who say that not having any commitment makes them enjoy sexual intercourse even more. It is likely to have to do with the adrenaline generated in these types of encounters.

Sex without commitment is defined as a way of practicing intimate relationships without ties, or any exclusivity, and this makes it really stimulating for many people. This type of sex should not be understood as a one-night stand or a blind date with a stranger, although these practices could also be included in non-binding sex. It refers more to an open relationship in which the only purpose is to have a fun time.

The use of condoms in this type of relationship becomes vital if we want to protect our health and that of others. As in all types of human relationships, this sexual behavior has a series of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of sex without compromise

Among the advantages we find that it has many benefits both at a psychological level and in the physical health of the person who performs it:

  • Increases self-esteem, knowing that we are attractive to someone makes the image of our self-concept improve.
  • By letting go of the romanticism of the relationship, it is easier to open up to experimenting and exploring sexual fantasies..
  • It is a pleasant and therapeutic exercise. Having sex releases endorphins, if we practice sex regularly we will have access to this hormonal drug frequently. Endorphins help reduce stress and give us a feeling of well-being.
  • You do not lose independence. Not everyone likes commitment. This type of sex allows you to focus on other aspects of your life and at the same time allows you to live an active and satisfying sexual life.
  • Having sex rejuvenates, it is known that people who have quality sex with a certain frequency appear between 5 and 7 years younger
  • Improves the immune system, various studies have confirmed that having sex improves the immune system and even fights colds and flu.
  • You exercise your body, sex is still a physical exercise, so you improve cardiovascular health (thus reducing the risk of heart attacks) and work on different muscle areas
  • Helps to sleep better. This is because after sexual activity the body releases serotonin and the production of melatonin is stimulated, which is the hormone responsible for sleep and circadian rhythms..

Dangers of uncompromising sex

Apart from the advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account:

  • If sex without commitment is an infidelity, in the event that our partner finds out it could have devastating consequences in the relationship.
  • Some people practicing this type of sex can feel empty since there is not the emotional bond that would be found in a conventional relationship..
  • If it is carried out with a friend or acquaintance, the limits of the relationship should be made very clear, since it is quite easy for emotional ties to intensify and the relationship to be affected.

It could be said that sexual encounters without commitment can become a parenthesis in our daily routines, in a time to enjoy and be ourselves. It is a time to free ourselves and enjoy the pleasure that sex provides us without tying ourselves to the other person.

And to end some sentences taken from the book The Science of Sex by Pere Estupinyà in which he reflects on this type of sex;

“Cultural changes are slow, but it seems that there is a growing social and media acceptance of sexual permissiveness in Western societies, we are moving towards a greater normalization of the separation between sexual pleasure and love (…) Reporting is much better than restricting, and with current protection methods (…) we must promote an education that fosters the healthy development of sexuality based on all its diversity, risks and richness. "


Estupinyà, P (2013) S = EX2. The science of sex. Barcelona: Debate Editions

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