The warm up It is the moment during which the body prepares and adapts to carry out a motor activity, for which a considerable effort will be needed. In other words, it is the preparation prior to performing a sport or physical exercise routine, which may have a high demand for the body..
The selection of the type of warm-up or warm-up depends directly on the sport or physical activity to be carried out. That is why the activation of muscles and joints, as well as the duration of the warm-up, must be oriented according to the needs and demands of the sport to which it precedes..
The warm-up is done gradually, increasing the intensity and movements, as the body warms up..
In general, to end the session, stretching and contractions of muscles and joints are performed, leaving the body in optimal conditions to perform physical activity or sport..
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One of the most important reasons for warming up is the prevention of physical injury. This is because it allows the gradual putting into operation of the muscles that will be used during sports practice, resulting in them being prepared to resist the wear and tear to which they will be subjected..
It also helps prevent heart difficulties, which can occur when moving quickly from a state of rest to a fully active one..
The warm-up also serves to refine the coordination and speed of the body before sports practice, avoiding possible clumsiness during its execution..
Carrying out a good warm-up provides benefits for both health and training. Some of these benefits are as follows:
There are two types of warm-up, which develop in different stages. First, a general type of warm-up is carried out, then a specific warm-up, which depends on the type of activity to be carried out..
In this type of warm-up, it consists of moving all the large muscles of the body, and consists of three phases:
Generally, in this phase, jogs are performed with increased intensity, changes of direction or backs, for an approximate time of between 8 and 10 minutes, avoiding sudden movements at all times..
This generates an increase in the heart and respiratory rate, through which, it is possible to increase the nutrients and oxygen in the muscles that are being excited..
In this stage, over a period of 4 to 6 minutes, the most important ligaments and muscles of the body are gently stretched. In addition, wide movements of the joints must be made, taking them to the maximum of their capacity at different angles.
For this last phase of the general warm-up, a series of exercises is performed for approximately 5 or 10 minutes that gently contract the muscles, focusing on the legs, arms and trunk..
Once the general warm-up is finished, the specific part of it is carried out, which emphasizes the muscles and joints that will have greater movement during the sporting activity that is going to be carried out.
This stage of the warm-up is divided into two phases:
Exercises are performed focused on the muscles that are most important in the activity to be performed. Thanks to the fact that the body is already prepared, the intensity of the movements can be greater.
For this last phase of the warm-up, exercises are carried out using the elements of the activity to be executed, leaving the body in suitable conditions to give the maximum in it..
Some of the most common exercises for warming up are as follows:
It begins in a state of rest, standing, with the feet together and the hands down. Then, jumps are made in the same place, bringing the arms outstretched until touching the hands on the head, at the same time that the legs are spread laterally.
In each jump the movement is exchanged between opening and closing.
While standing, one leg is stretched forward, resting the body on one foot. Then, circular movements should be made with the ankle of the leg that is up, doing ten laps to one side and ten to the other. Once this is completed, the leg is changed and the exercise is repeated..
On a track or wide terrain, begin jogging forward at a slow pace for 20 seconds. Then, the speed is increased to seventy percent of the final speed for 10 seconds and returns to the previous rhythm.
The exercise is repeated for five transitions, without stopping, and then stopped.
With the trunk of the body straight and the hands on the waist, one leg is placed in front, with the sole of the foot firmly on the ground and at a 90 degree angle at the knee. While the other leg is stretched back, with the heel of the foot not touching the floor.
Hold the position for 10-15 seconds and switch legs.
It consists of grasping the left leg with the right hand, stretching it towards the left gluteus. Wait 10-15 seconds and switch to the right leg, this time grasping it with the left hand.
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