Fauna of the Pacific region of Colombia representative species

David Holt
Fauna of the Pacific region of Colombia representative species

The animals of the Pacific region of Colombia they make up one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet. This area of ​​Colombia is characterized by having a tropical jungle climate, very rainy and with high humidity..

In addition to this, its rivers, lakes and nearby ocean waters also inhabit a multitude of species. Birds, small primates, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and small to medium-sized mammals are common..

There are several species in danger of extinction in the Pacific region, for this reason there are several national parks created in order to protect threatened fauna.

Characteristic animals of the Pacific region of Colombia

Many of the animals that live in this region have suffered habitat loss in recent years..

Although there are different parks and natural sanctuaries that aim to conserve these species, some are critically endangered.

However, the fauna is extremely varied and one of the richest in the world, and in recent years the ecotourism, to precisely appreciate closely the animals of the Colombian Pacific, especially humpback whales.


It is the third largest feline in the world and the largest that exists in the American continent.

It's a super predator which is at the forefront of the food chain of its ecosystem. It has an appearance very similar to the leopard, although it has a much more robust and strong body.

Jaguars do not have natural enemies (with the exception of humans), however the destruction of their habitat and their hunting to take advantage of their skins have significantly reduced their population.


This bird has a very striking morphology, with feathers and a brightly colored beak..

They are small animals that live in nests that they build in hollow tree trunks. They are omnivores and feed mostly on small fruits, berries, seeds, insects, eggs, and lizards..

Poisonous golden frog

Also called poison dart frog, it is an amphibian found in Colombia and Panama, known for being one of the most poisonous animals in the world..

It reaches a size of about 7 centimeters and feeds mainly on ants and small mites.

Their skin has a bright yellow color, although there are specimens with green or orange skin.

It exudes a very powerful poison called batraciotoxin capable of causing respiratory paralysis. This poison lethal to humans in incredibly small doses (0.1 mg).

Hawksbill turtle

It is a sea turtle that is currently in critical danger of extinction.

It usually lives in the vicinity of coral reefs and in shallow waters, and can be found in various parts of the world, such as Mexico, Puerto Rico and Indonesia.

It feeds mainly on sea sponges, although it can also consume sea anemones, jellyfish and algae.

The indiscriminate hunting of this animal for its consumption has caused a serious decrease in its population, especially in Asia, where its meat is considered a delicacy.

Malpelo lizard

Endemic species of the island of Malpelo, located 500 km from the Colombian Pacific coast.

It measures on average between 85 cm (females) and 105 (males) and feeds on the invertebrates found on the island: beetles, ants, crabs, snails, spiders, ticks and other insects. In turn, its greatest predator is birds, such as the Nazca gannet..

As a curiosity, it has the ability to regenerate limbs, such as the tail, lost due to attacks or other accidents..

sea ​​cow

Along with dolphins, manatees are the most abundant marine mammals in the Pacific region. They are visible in rivers and freshwater lagoons, where they roam imposing with their 600 kilos of weight.

They spend most of the day looking for seaweed, which is the basis of their diet. This leads them to always be covered with their own algae and other mollusks. Although it is less frequent, it can also feed on fish and other marine beings.

Humpback Whale

Humpback whales can be sighted between July and November on the Colombian coast as part of their migration ritual. It is a huge mammal that can weigh 36 tons and measure up to 15-16 meters long..

 They are usually seen in the Pacific zone of Colombia because the warmth of its waters serve for the mating, rest and delivery of the young..


  1. Six incredible Colombian animals you have to see in the wild (August 26, 2017). Retrieved on October 22, 2017, from Colombia.
  2. Hawksbill Sea Turtles (n.d.). Retrieved on October 22, 2017, from SEE Turtles.
  3. Animals of the Pacific Coast (2016). Retrieved on October 22, 2017, from Animals Of.
  4. Golden Dart Frog (s.f.). Retrieved on October 22, 2017, from Faunia.
  5. Pacific region. Retrieved on October 22, 2017, from Wild Fauna.
  6. Colombian Wildlife (s.f.). Retrieved on October 22, 2017, from Don Quixote.
  7. Jaguar (Panthera onca) (September 9, 2008). Retrieved on October 22, 2017, from Extinction Animals.

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