José Agustín biography, style, works, phrases

Alexander Pearson

José Agustín Ramírez Gómez (1944), better known in the literary field as “José Agustín”, is a Mexican writer whose work encompasses genres such as novels, short stories, essays and theater. He was part of the “Literatura de la Onda” movement, which took place in the mid-sixties..

José Agustín's work is characterized by being critical and ironic. He used humorous language and his theme was based on the reality of life. The author expressed in an interview in 2013 that the validity of his writings is due to youth issues and especially how he developed them.

José Agustín. Source: Secretariat of Culture Mexico City from Mexico [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Among his more than forty publications are: The grave, Deserted cities, Inventing what a dream, There is no censorship Y The hotel of lonely hearts. The writer had a wide participation in the cinema as a screenwriter, director and producer. His work has been recognized with several awards.

Article index

  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Birth and family
    • 1.2 Academic training
    • 1.3 A hasty marriage
    • 1.4 Second marriage
    • 1.5 Literary beginnings
    • 1.6 The "Literature of the Wave"
    • 1.7 Other tasks of the writer
    • 1.8 Between prison and cinema
    • 1.9 Last years
    • 1.10 Awards and recognitions
  • 2 Style
  • 3 Works
    • 3.1 Novel
    • 3.2 Story
    • 3.3 Autobiography
    • 3.4 Essay, journalism and chronicle
    • 3.5 Theater
    • 3.6 - Abolition of property (1969).
    • 3.7 Scripts
    • 3.8 Anthology
    • 3.9 Other titles
    • 3.10 Cinematographic work
    • 3.11 Brief description of some of his works
  • 4 Phrases
  • 5 References


Birth and family

José Agustín was born on August 19, 1944 in Guadalajara, Jalisco; although it was presented in Acapulco, Guerrero. He came from a cultured middle-class family, his parents were: Augusto Ramírez Altamirano and Hilda Gómez Maganda.

Academic training

In his childhood years he moved with his family to Mexico City, there he studied primary and secondary school. At that time he showed a talent for writing and his interest in social problems was born. When he was seventeen years old he went to Cuba to help literate.

In 1962 he returned to his country and began to train for three years in the literary courses created by Juan José Arreola. Later he studied classical letters at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He also studied dramatic composition and directing at different institutions.

A hasty marriage

José Agustín married Margarita Dalton (currently a historian and novelist) in 1961 with the intention of becoming adults and being able to travel to Cuba. By that date the Cuban Revolution was in development and they wanted to join the literacy system. They lasted only a month of married.

Second matrimony

In 1963 he married for the second time when he was just 19 years old. On that occasion he did it with a young woman named Margarita Bermúdez, who became his life partner. The couple conceived three children: José Agustín, Jesús and Andrés.

Literary beginnings

The writer began in literature at an early age, several of his writings were published in print media in Mexico City. In 1964 his first novel came to light, which he titled Tomb. Two years later he published Profile Y Autobiography.

The "Literature of the Wave"

In 1966 a movement called “Literatura de la Onda” emerged in Mexico, named by the author Margo Glantz as. José Agustín was part of this current (although he did not agree). This "Literature of the Wave" was oriented mainly to give a space of literary and social expression to the rebellious youth of the time..

The members of the “Onda” were viewed disparagingly by many intellectuals of the time. This was due to the fact that with their texts they defended social freedoms, sexual diversity and imposed new linguistic elements that displaced the norms established by formal literature..

Other work of the writer

This Mexican writer also worked in other areas. Participated in the creation of the newspaper Reform, and has collaborated in several printed publications such as: The Day Y The universal. He has also participated regularly on television and radio producing educational and cultural programs..

Headquarters of the newspaper Reforma, in Mexico ,. This medium had among its founders José Agustín. Source: Carolina López [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Between jail and cinema

At the end of the sixties José Agustín was taken to prison to the old Black Palace of Lecumberri along with some friends for consuming marijuana. There he coincided with the writer and political activist José Revueltas, who was arrested for the student protests of sixty-eight..

After getting out of jail, the writer resumed the activities he had left pending. He returned to film production and traveled to Spain to work together with Gabriel García Márquez on the development of a script for a Paul Leduc film. Then he returned to Mexico where he continued his work.

Last years

During the last two decades of his life, José Agustín has dedicated himself to what he likes the most: writing, cinema and theater. They are among his latest titles Life with my widow, Diary of a brigadista Y Flight over the depths. In 2009 he suffered a fall from a stage that caused serious fractures.

Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UNAM, place of studies of José Agustín. Source: Vladmartinez [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

After more than twenty days in intensive care he managed to recover. In 2011 he was recognized with the National Prize of Sciences and Arts for his literary work. His last known residence has been the one located in the town of Cuautla in the state of Morelos, sometimes he attends cultural and literary events.

Awards and honours

- Scholarship of the Mexican Center of Writers from 1966 to 1967.

- University of Iowa International Writing Program Scholarship in 1977.

- Fulbright Scholarship in 1977-1978.

- Guggenheim Scholarship 1978-1979.

- Colima Narrative Fine Arts Award for Work Published in 1983, for the novel Deserted cities.

- Juan Ruiz de Alarcón National Prize for Literature.

- National Prize of Sciences and Arts in the area of ​​Linguistics and Literature in 2011.


José Agustín's literary style has been characterized by the use of an uninhibited, ironic language, loaded with words typical of young people and some terms in English. In his works there is humor, dynamism and puns, it is a creative narrative, lacking academic rules.

The reality and the popular are part of the theme of his works, mostly aimed at youth. The author was interested in raising issues of social and cultural interest, lifestyles and respect for differences, for that reason and much more his texts do not lose validity.



- Tomb (1964).

- Profile (1966).

- It's getting late (1973).

- The king approaches his temple (1977).

- Deserted cities (1982).

- Near the fire (1986).

- The belly of Tepozteco (1992).

- Two hours of sun (1994).

- Life with my widow (2004).

- White weapon (2006).


- Inventing what dream (1968).

- The look in the center (1977).

- Morning fury (1984).

- No censorship (1988).

- Don't pass this door (1992).

- Spilled honey (1992).

- Complete stories (2001).


- Autobiography (1966).

- The Rock of Jail (1984).

- Brigadista diary. Cuba, 1961 (2010).

Essay, journalism and chronicle

- The new classical music (1969).

- Mexican Tragicomedy 1: Life in Mexico from 1940-1970 (1990).

- Against the tide (1991).

- Mexican Tragicomedy 2: Life in Mexico from 1970-1982 (1992).

- The counterculture in Mexico: the history and meaning of the rebels without a cause, the jipitecas, the punks and the gangs (nineteen ninety six).

- Mexican Tragicomedy 3: Life in Mexico from 1982-1994 (1998).

- The hotel of lonely hearts (1999).

- The great rock records: 1951-1975 (2001).

- Rear Window: Rock, Film and Literature (2004).

- The house of the rising sun, rock and other songs (2006).

- Flight over the depths (2008).


- Property abolition (1969).


- Here comes the plague (1985). Written jointly with: Gerardo Pardo and José Buil.

- The apando (nineteen ninety five). Co-authored with José Revueltas.


- The sacred word (1989).

- Juan Jose Arreola (1998). Foreword and selection.

Other titles

- External light (1977). First part of The king approaches his temple.

- Internal light (1989). Second part of The king approaches his temple.

- Good love (nineteen ninety six). It was made up of:

- "What's the wave?".

- "Who am I, where am I, what did they give me?".

- "Tomb".

- "Good love".

Cinematographic work

- 5 chocolate and 1 strawberry (1968). Directed by Carlos Velo.

- And think that we can (1968). Script written jointly with Sergio García, director of the short film.

- Someone wants to kill us (1970). Director Carlos Velo.

- I already know who you are (I've been watching you) (1971). Direction and original script.

- Mourning (1971). Original screenplay; short film directed by Sergio García.

- External light (1973). Direction, production and original script.

- The apando (1976). Script written jointly with José Revueltas.

- The year of the plague (1979). Dialogues.

- Montiel's widow (1979). Script written jointly with director Felipe Cazals.

- Love around the corner (1986). Script with the director of the film.

- Stone (1986).

- City of the blind (1991). Screenplay with director Alberto Cortés.

- You are killing me susana (2016). Film directed by Roberto Sneider.

Brief description of some of his works

Tomb (1964)

It was the first published novel by this remarkable Mexican writer, it was marked in the "Literatura de la Onda". José Agustín developed the text with a common language, not at all sophisticated, in addition the style accommodated itself to the social fashion that prevailed in the sixties..

The author told the story of Gabriel Guía, a sixteen-year-old boy with a good financial position. His life was spent by rebellion, literature, sexual experiences and alcoholism. The novel presented an argument that opposed what society imposed as a "norm.".


“When I got to Martín's house, I parked the car and walked to the living room. Martín, preparing drinks, raised his eyes.

-Hello, Chekhov!

-Stop your joke I'm not willing to take it.

-Calm down, little boy.

-It's that I got tired of that tune.

-Well, unburden yourself- and he added with an air of complicity-: there is Dora.


-Yep. How does it sound to you?


-What do you want to drink?

-I don't know, anything ".

Profile (1966)

It was one of the best known novels of José Agustín outlined towards the youth. The narrative is somewhat tangled, although the story is told in the present tense, the author incorporated past events. It was set in the capital of Mexico.

The protagonist of this work was a young man to whom the writer did not give a name. He was characterized by being innocent in many aspects of life, and to some extent that did not make him feel good. So he decided to take on a bolder and more rebellious personality..


“Behind the great stone and the grass, is the world in which I live. I always come to this part of the garden for something that I cannot explain clearly, although I understand it. Violeta laughs a lot because I frequent this corner.

“That seems normal to me: Violeta is my mother and she loves to say that I am not entirely sane. Now I must return to the house, because Violeta would call me and I do not tolerate things like that ... ".

Deserted cities (1982)

This novel by José Agustín reflected his literary maturity, it was no longer about young people but about love. It was an expressive, lively and penetrating narrative, the writer used a more cultured language than in his previous works. He also made an ironic criticism of North American society.


“One morning in August Susana got up very early. He bathed and leisurely chose what to wear. He chose the leather jacket and jeans. Luckily, Eligio had gone to see his parents in Chihuahua, so Susana was relatively calm ".


- "They always tell you that you are extremely lucky to be here, and they never tell you that they are fortunate enough to have us".

- "People have become robots, their souls are dying, they have become old when in reality you are a very young people".

- "Your smile has been an incentive, and your eyes (gray, radiant, beautiful) have prevailed in my mind since I met you, the ones that would make me fight against everything if I knew I would never look at them".

- “I think that if I don't understand what my wife writes, it's because I don't know essential parts of her.” “She almost never cried, and when it happened it was out of desperation, helplessness in the face of something that didn't yield”.

- "They were soul mates, somehow the two of them were much more alone than the others, sharing the same abyss hole".

- "What you do not understand is what is not apparent, what is behind things".

- "The indigenous roots were much closer to the surface than I believed and than all Mexicans believed".

- "The truth is that we like to smoke so that the meddles in the health of others get angry".

- "You were already the mother of everything, and that's why you left, but wherever you go is the same, because the anger is not on me or on anyone, but on you".


  1. José Agustín. (2019). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from:
  2. Gaxiola, M. (S. f.). 20 captivating phrases of the great José Agustín. Mexico: MX City. Recovered from:
  3. Mejía, F. (2018). The king arrives in the desert. Portrait of José Agustín, audacious chronicler and novelist of single speech. Mexico: Gatopardo. Recovered from:
  4. Ramírez, E., Moreno, V. and others. (2019). Joseph Augustine. (N / a): Search Biographies. Recovered from:
  5. José Ramírez. (S. f.). Cuba: Ecu Red. Recovered from:

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