The 100 Best Phrases of Pablo Escobar Gaviria

Sherman Hoover

I leave you the best phrases of Pablo Escobar Gaviria, known for being the greatest drug trafficker of all time, founder and former leader of the Medellín cartel and idol of many internationally. He was also in the top 10 of the richest men in the world by Forbes.

There are several series and movies based on this character that currently exist, including "Narcos" and "The pattern of evil." Due to these series and films, he has become a character admired by many, however, we must not forget that he was a murderer, who killed hundreds of innocent people for trying to maintain power..

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria. Source: Wikimedia Commons. -National Police of Colombia [Public domain]

You may also be interested in these psychopathic phrases.

-Poverty is temporary, but humility must be eternal.

-Everything in this life has a solution, except death.

-Think poor and you will live poor.

-The mind is like a parachute, it is useless if it does not open.

-What is sought is found, what is neglected is lost.

-Whoever lives in trust dies betrayed.

-Fake friends always call you to ask you something, sincere friends do, to ask if you are okay.

-I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.

-I am a decent man who exports flowers.

-For me, the most important thing after my mother is money and women.

-There are three ways of doing things: how you believe, how they believe and how I say.

-When the problem is not yours, it is very easy to criticize.

-I have plenty of who hates me, but I never lack who loves me.

-Your life is the result of your actions, not your intentions.

-To the dog that has money, it is said, Mr. Dog.

-If you keep chasing me you will die! -I told him- but one ear went in and the other came out.

-I did not change, I only learned, and learning is not changing, it is growing.

-Family ends up being our Achilles heel.

-Who does not take great risks, will never obtain great rewards.

-The only sure thing one has is death, that's why I'm not afraid of it.

-He messes with me and I kill the puppy, the cat, the parents, and if the grandmother is already dead, I dig her up and kill her again.

-Good things are remembered, bad things are overcome.

-The people who know the least are the ones who criticize the most.

-You talk to me, I talk to you, you ignore me I ignore you, you treat me badly, I treat you worse, you treat me well, I treat you better. That simple.

-With me, the only thing you're going to get your hands dirty is to count money.

-Faith moves mountains, but money makes the world tremble.

-Life must be lived irresponsibly, but responsibly.

-A man without hope is one who is afraid to risk.

-There is no better merit than knowing how to take advantage of every opportunity.

-Only those who starved with me and supported me when I went through some bad time in my life, will eat at my table.

-Never be silent when it is convenient to speak and never speak when it is convenient to be silent.

-The only ones who do not abandon us when we are bad and we always have them, are our family, it is the most important thing in our life.

-Everyone has a limit. When shit is up to your neck, you gotta act.

-Be careful who you trust and tell your problems, not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.

-Out of 10 friends 11 come out false.

-Times always change, I may have a lot today and nothing tomorrow.

-All empires are created with blood and fire.

-Hints do not work with me, you speak to me clearly and now.

-The trick is to speak less and demonstrate more.

-Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

-Being poor does not make you humble and being humble does not mean that you are poor.

-Silver or lead?

-They all have a price, the important thing is to find out what it is.

-There can only be one king!

-God rules in heaven, I rule in Colombia.

-They observe you, they criticize you, they envy you and in the end they imitate you.

-In a world of hypocrites, the honest ones are the bad ones.

-The important thing right now is not how you react, but how you prepare for it.

-The one who laughs makes it to me, crying pays it to me.

-Good is never easy and easy is never good.

-Expect from me, what I get from you.

-Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

-I always get what I want, and when I don't, it's because I didn't want it.

-Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is not to me, weakness is not what you will remember about me.

-There is no point in continuing to make the rich richer.

-You don't know who you just messed with!

-I always learned that people always leave, even if they have promised you a thousand times that they would stay.

-Friends are those who see you crying and say: Who do we kill?

-This unfortunate dog is not going to have enough life to regret what he just did to me.

-That is why they do not leave poor, for fearful.

-Depending on the rat, the poison is put into the bait.

-Promises mean everything, but when they are not kept ... they mean nothing.

-Money does not buy women, but it makes prostitutes fall in love.

-Don't judge my decisions without knowing my reasons.

-It is not the wiser who reads the most, but who understands the best.

-If you are going to do surgery on your wife to make her look more beautiful, first have surgery on the heart to treat her better..

-How badly grateful, that you shook hands and then you forget.

-We have generated most of the employment in the country. We have given a lot of future to Colombia.

-Because of the chicken I also eat the wings.

-If you don't ask others what it should be, life will be what you want it to be.

-My hope is not that there is a confrontation between the Colombian people. I seek peace and I have always sought peace and I have longed for peace.

-On the day that you fail to speak, give them your best shot without omen, but if they treat you well, treat them like your mother, is that clear to you??

-Thinking poorly leaves you poor.

-I met María Victoria when I did not have a peso in my pocket, at that time she loved me poor and without money, and now rich and with problems she still loves me the same. That's love.

-They have to kill me with a bullet and not with fear, 30 bullets at the traffic light as a mobster has to die.

-So that you need nothing, never get used to anything.

-Humility, that planes also fall.

-Better times will come.

-The will of man is stronger than bars of iron.

-How ungrateful, that you shook your hand and then you forget!

-If it continues like this, it is difficult for any of them to die of old age in this country..

-You can go a long way with a smile. You can go much further with a smile and a gun.

-How are all problems in life solved? With silver millet.

-Where there is a car, a motorcycle, money and designer clothes, there are a thousand women. But when you get poor you only have your mother, that's the one who really loves you.

-They are our brothers, the most sincere friends.

-If it still hurts, you still care.

-In the absence of love there is no other millet, rumbas and alcohol.

-There are two hundred million idiots manipulated by a million smart men.

-I know that one day I am going to die, but I hope it is of natural causes.

-Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

-I come from humble people and that is what makes me happy.

-Fake people erase themselves.

-Thank God many want to see me fall, but I will not give them the pleasure, every day I will be stronger.

-I always keep God in mind, that's why I'm doing so well.

-Today's women want to be loved in the old fashioned way, but they behave in the modern.

-The bad thing about wealth is that it changes the most humble.

-Who ignores you today out of pride, tomorrow will speak to you out of absence.

-When you go to do something do not say it, better do it.

-Impossible is just a word in the dictionary.

-Do not believe in love that does not give money.

-If it still hurts, you still care.

-If you want to know a person, do not ask him what he thinks, but what he loves.

-When they have you, you are nobody, but as soon as you are absent, they love and miss you.

-When I die, I would not like my son to negotiate with all the drug cartels to see if they will let him live or not.

-From hunger, mischief was born.

-They tell you that you changed, just because now you treat them like they really deserve.

-Sometimes I am God, if I say that a man dies, he dies the same day.

-We must take care like a treasure what in life we ​​cannot buy.

-In the history of any business, there are moments that are decisive. The first sale, the first million, the first billion, and when your rival no longer exists.

-I do not hold you in your face what I did for you, I only tell you that you do not serve me.

-We hit the national government with a hoot in the roe.

-I don't care about rumors, I am responsible for what I do, not what they say about me.

-The day you do something bad, do it well, don't be so stupid to get caught.

-Everyone who is allied to César Gaviria, the order is bullet.

-The more complicated it is, the greater the taste.

-I do not trust wealth, because it changes the most humble.

-No one can control the dreams you have, especially if you are Pablo Escobar. Especially if you grew up in Colombia.

-What is destined for you, sooner or later comes because it comes.

-Why Bogotá, if Medellín has it all.

-I'd rather be in a grave in Colombia than in a jail cell in the United States.

-My back is not a voicemail. Whatever you want to tell me, do it to my face, please.

-Eat shit. Eat. Shit.

-Well, if half the world wants to kill me, we hire the other half the world to defend me.

-Don't worry about what they say about you. Remember that not even God has managed to like everyone.

-Do not worry that if you lost today, tomorrow you have to win.

-Everything dangerous turns to silver. The insurance does not give a weight.

-What is well enjoyed, is not forgotten and is not counted.

-Friends, money and love were made to be counted.

-To the people who do not interest me I do not pretend hypocrisy or laughter.

-Above those who run, there are those who fly.

-Man with fear is a hopeless idiot.

-In this life you have to stand firm so that no one knocks you down mijo.

-There is no company in Colombia that extracts more dollars from the United States than us, the drug traffickers.

-Only loyal, noble and boar men serve me.

-Time is your partner time, you will see how you waste it.

-You have to have bad days to realize who is family, who is a friend and what are the true loves.

-I know my own story very well, therefore I am the only one who can judge and criticize me whenever I want..

-Sadness is always inside of me, I just hide it behind a smile.

-The most valuable silver in this world is the word. That one died because he failed to speak.

-My family did not have significant financial resources and we experienced difficulties like those experienced by the majority of the Colombian people; then we are not alien to these problems, we know them deeply and understand them.

-This girl dies to you, I kill you all, one by one.

-Galán is stoking an old bonfire, he has a debt to me but as long as he is not a presidential candidate with an option, it is not worth paying it.

-The shit of asking for favors is when it's time to pay them.

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