The 50 Best Phrases of the eyes of my princess

Philip Kelley

I leave you the best quotes of The eyes of my princess, novel by Mexican author Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez, written in 1996 and published eight years later, in 2004. It is a youth novel whose protagonist (José Carlos) falls in love with a fellow student (Lorenna, whom José Carlos calls Sheccid).

You may also be interested in these phrases from romantic books.

-All bad people justify what they do, that's why they keep doing it. -Jose Carlos.

-You are the definition of love, even though it has never been defined and can never be done: defining is limiting and love has no limits. -Jose Carlos.

-It is illogical and irrational to love you the way I love you. But I can't control it. It is out of my will. -Jose Carlos.

-I want you to be my girlfriend. -Jose Carlos.

-Everything that sprouts from my pen will have had your origin. And I will thank God. -Jose Carlos.

-Do not say that I am a child who has never felt love, because I love you ... Is not it enough? -Jose Carlos.

-After all, if I don't face the consequences of my actions, when will I become a man? -Jose Carlos.

-We hug each other as if wanting to merge our bodies into one (…). With you I feel the body of a woman, the woman I love, who awakens hidden vibrations in me never experienced. -Jose Carlos.

-How I would like to be able to help you with your problems ... -José Carlos.
-You are a problem, my only problem. -Sheccid.

-Love, it is above all to wish the happiness of the loved one, even if that means not seeing him again.

-Writing is a way to unburden ourselves healthily when thirst invites us to drink sea water. -Jose Carlos.

-Filth is mixed with goodness, dirt with purity. I want to scream cry, run away and claim God… Why does he allow the world to fall apart? -Jose Carlos.

-When my body has been erased from history, you will remain, with your body and your life, and I want you to make your life a monument, because you will have to carry out your own projects and my projects that I will not be able to carry out. -Sheccid.

-I locked myself in books, in my family, in my inner self in such a stubborn way that it was difficult for me to get out of that world when I needed to. -Ariadne.

-It's not about winning a medal, son. Life itself is at stake on this track! -Dad of José Carlos.

-God gives "packages", not individual attributes. -Jose Carlos.

-I was in love. He believed in love ... He considered that it was possible to see a woman with clean eyes. -Jose Carlos.

-I dreamed of her since before I met her. So when I saw it for the first time I was amazed. She is a very special girl. -Jose Carlos.

-I once read that the successful person knows that in every human being, regardless of age, race or religion, there is something worthy of admiration. -Jose Carlos.

-I hope that the merits that each one makes on their own will allow us one day to deserve each other. -Jose Carlos.

-All "I can't" have the same origin: an unsuccessful failure, a fall after which no other attempt was made, an error that was set as the last experience. -Teacher Jennifer.

-José Carlos, you love to judge people without knowing them. -Sheccid.

-No one can love someone they don't know! Come to Deghemetri and really know her, go into her house, talk with her brother and her parents, live with her! Only then can you justly love or reject her, but never before. -Carlos.

-It's easy to be chivalrous when with a lady. -Jose Carlos.

-He had never hated a person the way he hated her, and he hated her because he had loved her so much. -Jose Carlos.

-You know ... even if the body gets in the way, we can perceive, guess, feel ... what someone thinks without using words. -Sheccid.

-I watch the sunset thinking that I will never be able to get up again and I would like to be dead too (…), because I no longer have any strength that pushes me to live. -Jose Carlos.

-Without wanting to, I remember your eyes that stared at me, saying goodbye with expressive tenderness after having joined us with a kiss forever. -Jose Carlos.

-I do not understand, can we enjoy something that causes us suffering? -Jose Carlos.
-Love is often like that. -Mom of José Carlos.

-Life ends up giving us what we deserve and taking away what should not be ours. -Jose Carlos.

-Everything in life is a matter of experience.

-The past is past and the future does not exist. Just the present… Look me in the face. Forget about the problems and look at me like a moment ago. -Jose Carlos.

-Criticizing and destroying is easy. Only those who truly love are capable of building. -Jose Carlos.

-It is the least I can do for you. You saved my life. -Jose Carlos.

-When you love someone you are with him, without getting in the way, supporting him without forcing him, taking an interest in his suffering, without scolding or advising him all the time. -Mom of José Carlos.

-The more young people are hurt and despised the more, the more they love the person who harms them.

-A kiss is the tangible manifestation of a feeling that must exist in advance.

-I try not to focus on my problems, because in reality I have many more reasons to be happy. -Jose Carlos.

-You have to suffer for love, and enjoy the love that hurts.

-A woman like me is easily used and hardly loved; few people want to know me for who I am. They are only interested in my physique. -Sheccid.

-I felt fear, but also joy. His heart beat differently. I was in love for the first time. -Storyteller.

-The moment of the present is always the same for everyone, but emotions and circumstances are different for each individual. -Jose Carlos.

-The power of your essence has transformed me into a different person. -Jose Carlos.

-I love you, I love you very much, perhaps more than you love me because… I have always kept quiet about it and I have endured it in secret. -Jose Carlos.

-When I look at a star, when I think of a princess, I will think of you, and when I truly love a woman again, I will love you, because perhaps in that woman I will find you again. -Jose Carlos.

-Many humans have become experts in falsehoods, donning disguises to hide their true selves.

-When I see a swallow sheltering from the rain between the bougainvillea branch I will see you. When I witness a sunset I will remember you. When I look at the dewdrops sliding on my window I will be looking at you. You will never be able to leave. I will not leave you. You are my girlfriend forever. -Jose Carlos.

-For whatever reason, it is so difficult to accept that the love of my life has come to vanish like this. -Jose Carlos.

-Although there are snakes, that does not mean that you should live with them. They are treacherous! -Mom of José Carlos.

-The difference between a true love and a simple whim is that the latter is more intense and lasting. -Oscar Wilde.

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