The 57 Best Phrases of The Great Gatsby

Charles McCarthy

I leave you the best quotes from the great gatsby, novel written in 1925 byAmerican writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. Tells the story of the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his obsession with young Daisy Buchanan.

You may also be interested in these phrases of well-known writers.

1-When you feel like criticizing someone, remember that not everyone has had the same opportunities that you had.

2-And then, thanks to the sun and the incredible buds of leaves that were born in the trees, to the way things grow in fast-motion movies, I felt the familiar conviction that life was beginning again with summer.

3-The breeze blew through the room, making the curtain on one side rise inward and the other outward, like pale flags, twisting and tossing them towards the frosted bridal cake covering that was the ceiling, then curling on the tapestry red wine, casting a shadow over it, like the wind blowing over the sea.

4-Slender, languid, hands gently resting on the hips, the two young ladies preceded us on the exit to the brightly colored terrace, open at sunset, where four candles flicked on the table in the already calmed wind..

5-His concentration had an I do not know what pathetic, as if his complacency, more acute than before, was not enough anymore. 

6-For a moment the last ray of sunlight fell with romantic affection on his radiant face; her voice forced me to lean forward, out of breath as I heard her ... then the brightness faded, and each of the rays left her face with reluctant regret, as children leave a lively street when darkness arrives

7-The silhouette of a moving cat was silhouetted against the rays of the moon, and when I turned my head to look at it, I realized that I was not alone: ​​about fifty yards away, the figure of a man with his hands on my pockets, staring at the golden pepper of the stars, had emerged from the shadows of my neighbor's mansion. Something in his leisurely movements and the safe position of his feet on the grass told me that it was Gatsby himself, who had come out to decide which part of our local sky belonged to him..

8-I have not gotten drunk more than twice in my life, and the second was that afternoon. That is why everything that happened is shrouded in a hazy gloom, even though the apartment was filled with the happiest sun until after eight at night..

9-I was inside and outside, at the same time delighted and annoyed with the endless variety of life.

10-The lights brighten as the earth recedes from the sun, and now the orchestra is playing the raucous cocktail music, and the voice opera rises a higher pitch.

11-They often came and went without even having seen Gatsby; they came after a party with a simplicity of heart that was their own entrance ticket.

12-At random we tried to open a door that seemed important and we found ourselves in a Gothic library, with a high ceiling, lined in carved English oak, and probably transported in its entirety from some overseas ruin.

13-The moon was higher and, floating in the estuary, there was a triangle of silver scales, which trembled slightly to the sound of the tense metallic plucking of the garden banjos.

14-He outlined an understanding smile; much more than just comprehensive. It was one of those rare smiles, that had the quality of leaving you alone. Smiles like that are encountered only four or five times in a lifetime, and they understand, or seem to do, the whole outside world in an instant, and then concentrate. in you, with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. He showed you that he understood you to the point where you can be understood, he believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself and he assured you that he was taking from you the precise impression that you, in your best moment, would want to communicate.

15-While I was waiting for my hat in the lobby, the library door opened and Gatsby and Jordan came out at the same time. He was saying a final word to her, but the anxiety in his demeanor suddenly turned into tense formality as several people approached him to say goodbye..

16-A sudden emptiness seemed to emanate from the windows and gates, enveloping the host's figure in complete solitude, now standing on the porch with his hand raised in a formal gesture of farewell..

17-In the charming metropolitan twilight I sometimes felt that loneliness gripped me, and I felt it in others: in the many employees who wandered in front of the windows, waiting for it to be time for a lonely dinner in some restaurant, young employees wasting in the kitchen. twilight the most intense moments of the night and of life.

18-Each person is supposed to be the owner of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest men I have ever known.

19-Then everything was true. I saw the skins of brand new tigers in his palace on the Grand Canal; I saw him opening a ruby ​​case to calm, with its depths illuminated with crimson, the longings of his broken heart.

20-One can take care of what he says, and also, program any small irregularity of his own in moments when others are so blind that they do not see or do not care. Daisy may never have been unfaithful to Tom, and yet there is something in that voice of hers ...

21-Gatsby bought that house just to have Daisy across the bay.

22-With a kind of vehement emotion a phrase began to ring in my ears: "There are only the persecuted and the persecutors, the busy and the idle.".

23-The rain subsided, a little after three thirty, leaving a wet mist, through which occasional droplets like dew swam.

24-He turned his head when he felt a knock on the door with softness and elegance. I went out to open. Gatsby, pale as death, with his hands sunk like weights in his jacket pockets, stood in the middle of a pool of water, looking tragically into my eyes..

25-We haven't seen each other for a long time, said Daisy, her voice as natural as possible, as if nothing happened.

26-It was time to return. While it was raining it seemed to me as if their voices were whispering, rising and widening again and again with breaths of emotion. But in the current silence I thought that one of the same had fallen on the house too.

27-Compared to the great distance that had separated him from Daisy, he had seemed very close to her, almost as if he were touching her. It seemed as close to him as a star is to the moon. Now it was just a green light on a dock again. His enchanted item count had decreased by one.

28-The rain was still falling, but the darkness had receded in the west, and there was a pink and gold wave of foamy clouds over the sea.

29-No amount of fire or freshness can be greater than what a man is capable of treasuring in his unfathomable heart.

30-They had forgotten about me, but Daisy raised her eyes and held out her hand; Gatsby didn't even know me. I looked at them once more and they stared back at me, remotely, possessed by intense life. So I left the room, and went down the marble stairs to enter the rain, leaving the two of them alone in it..

31-But his heart was kept in constant turbulence. The most grotesque and fantastic whims haunted him in his bed at night. 

32-For a time these dreams were an escape for his imagination; They gave him a satisfying idea of ​​the unreality of reality, a promise that the rock of the world was firmly seated on a fairy's wing..

33-Moved by an irresistible impulse, Gatsby turned to Tom, who had agreed to be presented as a stranger.

34-I never stopped saddening myself to look through new eyes at the things in which one has spent the ability to adapt.

35-Daisy and Gatsby danced. I remember my surprise at his conservative and funny fox-trot; I had never seen him dance. Then they walked to my house and sat on the stands for half an hour, while, at her request, I kept watch in the garden

36-He spoke at length about the past and I gathered that he wanted to recover something, some image of himself perhaps, that he had gone to love Daisy. He had led a messy and confusing life since that time, but if he could ever go back to where he started and slowly relive it, he might find out what the thing was ...

37-His heart began to beat with more and more force as Daisy brought her face closer to his. He knew that when he kissed this girl and forever handcuffed his inexpressible visions with her perishable breath, his mind would cease to wander uneasily like the mind of God..

38-For an instant a phrase tried to form in my mouth and my lips parted like those of a mute, as if there were more battles in them than the mere wisp of astonished air. But they made no sound, and what I was about to remember was cut off forever and ever.

39-Our eyes rose above the rosebush and the hot meadow and the garbage full of weeds from the days of hot sun on the beach. Slowly, the white wings of the boat moved against the cold blue edge of the sky. Beyond stretched the rolling ocean with its myriad placid islands.

40-We are all irritated because the effect of the beer had worn off, and aware of this, we traveled in silence for a while. Then, when the faded eyes of Dr. T. J. Eekleburg began to be seen in the distance, I remembered Gatsby's warning about gasoline.

41-There is no conclusion equal to the conclusion of a simple mind, and when we walked away, Tom was feeling the burning lashes of panic. His wife and lover, who an hour before seemed so safe and inviolable, were slipping by leaps and bounds from his control..

42-You never loved him, do you hear me? she exclaimed. He only married you because I was poor and tired of waiting for me. It was a terrible mistake, but deep down in his heart he never loved anyone but me!!

43-She hesitated. His eyes fell on Jordan and on with a kind of appeal, as if finally realizing what he was doing, and as if he had never, during all this time, had any intention of doing anything. But it was done. It was too late.

44-Then I turned to Gatsby, and I was stunned with his expression. He seemed, and I say this with Olympic contempt for the unusual gossip in his garden, as if he had "murdered a man." For a moment the configuration of your face could be described in this fantastic way.

45-They left without a word; driven out; turned into something fleeting; isolated, like ghosts, even of our pity.

46-The "death car", as the journalists called it, did not stop; emerged from the gripping gloom, made a brief and tragic zigzag, and disappeared around the next bend. 

47-He slowed down, but with no intention of stopping, until, as we approached, the expressionless and attentive faces of the people who were in the workshop led him to brake automatically.

48-At the end of the day Daisy passed over him. I tried to make it stop, but it couldn't, and then I pulled on the emergency brake. At that moment he collapsed on my legs and I kept driving.

49-Although they were not happy, and neither of them had touched the beer or the chicken, they did not seem unhappy either. There was an unmistakable atmosphere of natural intimacy in the painting, and anyone would have said they were conspiring.

50-They had never been so close during the month that they had been loving each other, nor had they communicated more deeply with each other than when she brushed her silent lips against the shoulder of his coat or when he touched the tips of her fingers gently , as if i was asleep.

51 "They're rotten people," I yelled at him across the meadow. You're worth more than that whole damn group together.

52-The meadow and the road were crowded with the faces of those who imagined their corruption; and he had been standing on those stairs hiding his incorruptible dream, when we waved goodbye to him.

53-A new world, but not real material, where some poor ghosts, breathing dreams instead of air, wandered fortuitously everywhere ... like the ashen and fantastic figure that slid towards him through the amorphous trees.

54-There was a slight movement of the water, barely perceptible, as the current moved from one end to the other, where it came out. With small curls, which were nothing more than the shadow of waves, the mat with its load, moved irregularly around the pool. A small stream of wind that wrinkled the surface a little was enough to disturb its rugged course with its rugged load. The collision with a pile of leaves made her turn slightly, tracing, like the wake of an object in transit, a small red circle in the water.

55-I wanted to bring someone. I wanted to go to the room where he was lying and reassure him: “I'll get you someone, Gatsby. Do not worry. Trust me and you will see that I will bring you someone ... "

56-So when the blue smoke from the brittle leaves rose into the air and the wind blew and the freshly washed clothes stiffened on the wires, I decided to go home.

57-Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year after year recedes before us. Back then it was elusive, but it doesn't matter; tomorrow we will run faster we will extend our arms further ... until, one good morning ...

58-In this way we continue advancing with industry, boats against the current, in regression without pause towards the past.

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