The 65 Best Amy Winehouse Phrases

Basil Manning

I leave you the best Amy Winehouse quotes (1983-2011) British jazz, R&B, soul and ska singer and songwriter. They stand out among their songs Stronger than me, Rehab, Love Is a Losing Game or Body & Soul.

You can also see these phrases from international musicians.

1-I do not say things because I am bitter. I say the things that others think but do not dare to say.

2-I love to live and I live to love. 

3-Life is much more rewarding if you strive for something, instead of taking what is given to you on a plate.

4-Some people who come into our lives leave traces in our hearts and we are no longer the same.

5-My biggest fear is dying without anyone knowing about any contribution I have made to creative music.

6-I would say that jazz is my own language.

7-I think we have to be aware that people are allowed to make mistakes.

8-If you do not risk something, you will never know what you could have achieved.

9-I'm from the school of thought that if you can't solve something yourself, no one can help you. Rehabilitation is fine for some but not for others.

10-I fall in love every day. Not with people, but with situations.

11-I am realistic and dreamer. There are certain things you can give to certain people and certain things you can't.

12-I do not regret anything.

13-If you play an instrument, it makes you a better singer. The more you play, the better you sing. The more you sing, the better you play.

14-No one can be a tougher critic than myself. I feel that pressure. There are days when I would like a break from my own mind.

15-Life happens. There's no point in being upset about something we can't control.

16-I am happier with my family around me.

17-I'm not afraid of looking vulnerable.

18-Since I was 16 years old, I have felt a black cloud hovering over me.

19-I really started writing music to challenge myself, to see what I could listen to.

20-I can't help you if you don't help yourself.

21-If I heard someone sing like me, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

22-If you act as if you know what you are doing, you can do anything you want.

23-I don't think your ability to fight has to do with how big you are. It has to do with how much hate there is in you.

24-Only sleep can heal.

25-Unfortunately half of the things that are said about me are true.

26-I only said that I did not want to write about love, but then I went and did it anyway.

27-Every bad situation is a blues song about to happen.

28-I saw a photo of myself when I left the hospital. Did not recognize me.

29-I have no emotional needs, only physical.

30-I don't think he's such an impressive person that you need to write about.

31-If I died tomorrow, I would like to be a happy girl.

32-It makes no sense to say anything, except the truth.

33-I'm not ambitious at all.

34-All the songs I write are about human relationships, whether with girlfriends, boyfriends or family.

35-When I'm nervous, I stutter, and I have to stop and start.

36-I love America, it is a much more permissive place.

37-I would love to study guitar or trumpet.

38-Basically, I live to do concerts.

39-I did not think it was special to be able to sing.

40-I keep busy cleaning the house, at least in the meantime I'm not drinking.

41-My justification is that most people my age spend a lot of time thinking about what they are going to do during the next five or ten years. The time they spend thinking about their life, I spend it drinking alcohol.

42-I know I have talent, but I was not born to sing. I was born to be a wife and mother, and to be with my family. I love what I do, but it's not everything to me.

43-I only write about things that have happened to me, things that I personally cannot overcome. Luckily I'm pretty self-destructive.

44-Girls talk to each other like men talk to each other But girls have an eye for detail.

45-Music allows me to be sincere, to the point that there are songs that sometimes I refuse to sing because they are very hard for me.

46-Long-term drinking is much worse than heroin. Alcohol is a real poison.

47-I am not a fighter, but if I am against the wall I will beat up anyone.

48-I am not religious at all. I think that faith is something that gives you strength. I believe in fate and I believe that things happen for a reason, but I don't think there is a higher power necessarily.

49-Crazy people like me do not live long but they live as they want.

50-I will choose the wrong man as naturally as I sing, and I will save my tears to hide my fears.

51-I shed my tears for him tonight. Drowning, we bathe in the blue light.

52-All I can be to you is a darkness that we know.

53-I never want to drink again, I just need a friend.

54-I'm just one of all the girls you kiss.

55-I believe in fate at face value.

56-My tears dry on their own.

57-It is necessary to have a close relationship to be able to trust someone, but not be so united that you let go "fuck you".

58-I have never followed the roll to anyone to make me look like a puppy.

59-I do not make music thinking about who is going to listen to it or buy it. I make the music that I would like to hear.

60- Prince wants a collaboration with me? I'm going to Minneapolis, see you later!

61- Good things do not make me lose my mind, but want to do it tomorrow too.

62-I don't think I get nervous at concerts, it's just adrenaline. It's something fun.

63-Some men think I'm a psychopath

64-I am not a born artist.

65-If you live in Candem you cannot flee from the bands in garages or the guitars. That's why 'Back to Black' is 'raw' jazz.

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