The 16 main types of work and their characteristics

David Holt
The 16 main types of work and their characteristics

There are various kinds of work differentiated according to their most important characteristics, the type of tools required, the type of application and other factors that allow them to be distinguished from each other.

It should be noted that in a society built by human tissues, there is no job that is more important than another. Each of them is necessary for the world to keep functioning properly, and that is why today we want to talk to you about some of the kinds of work main and their most relevant characteristics.

How many types of work are there?

There are multiple types of work, and the reality is that it is difficult to pigeonhole them into a precise number.

Some people say that there are only four types of jobs and in these the others could be pigeonholed, however, in order not to limit the options, here we will tell you which are the main types of work! Identify in which of them you can accommodate yours! 

These are the most popular types of work

Then we will tell you what are the types of work most popular today, with some of its most relevant features.

1. Manual work

This is one of the oldest types of work and is characterized by the fact that the hand is the indispensable element to carry it out. Before the appearance of large industries, only manual work was available, and in this category we can include bricklayers, mechanics, workers, among others. 

2. Intellectual work

In intellectual work, the key tool is the brain, that is, the knowledge, thinking and cognitive skills that are used to create various projects.. 

The cognitive skills associated with intellectual work are diverse and are mainly associated with the capacity for organization, motivation, creation and strategy. In this category we can include writers, engineers, consultants and teachers, among others.

3. Craft work

The artisan work is done with the hands, however, this differs from the manual, because it includes a high dose of creativity and art. It is not intended to create pieces that are only useful, but also have an aesthetic function.

4. Skilled work

In qualified work, we find all those jobs that require technical or academic training to be able to perform them.

5. Semi-skilled work

This type of work admits a certain dose of empiricism and another of some necessary techniques. This is why, for this type of work, you will not need to spend several years in the academy, but still you must have a basic training in the area of ​​performance.

6. Unskilled work

Within unskilled work, we find those types of jobs that do not need prior training to be exercised, that is, anyone could do it even without prior practice.

7. Self-employed or independent work

Autonomous or independent work is one that is carried out by a person in a freelance way, without the need to be linked to a company. Within this we find professionals or specialists in many of the main types of work.

8. Dependent work

Dependent work, as its name implies, is that type of work in which the person is employed or provides services to a particular company or group. In this type of work, almost always the person only has this source of income, since in these contracts all working time is invested.

9. Legal work

Within legal work, we find employees and freelancers who work in companies or under terms protected by law.

10. Informal work

Within informal work, we find all types of work that are done outside the legal frameworks, so they literally border on illegality. In this type of work, people work on their own and are not registered with state institutions, so they do not pay taxes for their work.

11. Face-to-face work

Face-to-face work stands out because it requires the presence of the person in the workplace. This modality includes not only those who work within companies, businesses or institutions, but also those independent workers who need to be in a specific place to provide their services..

12. Telematic or online work

Telematic or online work, also called remote work, is characterized in that the person can do it from home or from any other place, without the need to be near the company or person to whom they are going to provide their services..

Here we find all kinds of jobs such as: Telemarketers, freelance writers, freelance designers, online commerce or even there are already many other jobs that have shown their effectiveness remotely, and that traditionally were done face-to-face. 

13. Sinecura

Sinecura are all those types of work in which the person receives a good amount of money without being a professional or performing a qualified activity. Here we can include, for example, participation in Reality Shows.

14. Intermittent work

This type of work has become popular in recent times and stands out because the employee is available to the employer but intermittently. Here there are no benefits established by law, and the employer calls the worker when he needs it.

15. High risk work

This type of work generally requires technique and qualification, however there are some of them that do not. It stands out because in the exercise of the work it is easy to put life at risk, and that is why it is generally very well paid.

16. Teamwork

In this type of work, the presence of two or more people is essential to complete a task. These work teams can be appointed by a company or they can be created by a group of independent workers..

We hope that with this list you have gotten the idea of ​​what are the most popular types of work according to their characteristics. As you can see, the world of work is quite wide and there are other types of work that could well be included in the previous categories or serve to create a separate category. 

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