There are people who believe that material success is predetermined by fate, luck or simply the family in which you were born. Others believe that it depends on the degree of studies you have or on whether your boss likes you better or worse.
But not. Whether you are financially successful or not does not depend on any external factor but on how your mind is structured, whether you have a rich or poor mindset, and whether or not you have financial intelligence..
To begin with, I propose that you write, or think, four adjectives to describe rich people and four other adjectives to describe poor people.. See how your mind views each social status, for calling it somehow.
Are your adjectives for rich people negative for you?? For example despots, selfish, superficial, tyrants ... In that case I imagine that you do not want to be a person with those undesirable characteristics for you. Your unconscious mind, and believe me that it is the one that makes most of the decisions, wants to get away from money because for it, for you, having money is a bad person. And you sure don't want to be a bad person.
If your mind describes people with money with negative adjectives and poor people with positive adjectives, you know where your financial barrier is. Your mind, to protect you from feeling a negative being, will lead you to be poor, or to go pulling. But I assure you that there are people with money who are wonderful just as there are those who are not. And the same happens with poor people, without money or whatever you prefer to call it.
On the other hand there is a lot of limiting belief about money, of what you can or deserve to win. And in order to better detect your limit, if you have it, I propose that you answer the following question: "What is stopping me from making more money?".
The limiting beliefs they can be fine capacity (like believing that you are not qualified to find a better job), of possibility (like believing that you cannot earn more or save because of your circumstances) or of merit (believe, for example, that with your degree you do not deserve to earn more).
Many people believe that if they do not have sufficient education they will not be able (possibility) to earn more money. And this is a barrier that you put on if you believe this. Let me remind you that Steve Jobs, one of the creators of Apple, never got a college degree. I know very well qualified people with precarious jobs and people without studies earning a very good living.
Detecting where your limiting belief is and getting rid of it is essential if you want to live a life without financial worries. To achieve this I suggest you look for cases that dismantle your belief. The level of studies, age, where you were born, have money or not (there are people who believe that money is what attracts more money), have better or worse physical appearance or whatever it is that you think prevents you from getting there to live the life you dream of has not been a limit for others.
How much is a lot? What is it for you to win well? For about 500 it is a lot and for others a lot is a million.
This we see clearly with the passage of time. When you are a child you aspire to some coins, then to some bills, as a teenager you can find enough to go out there and when you become an adult going out there is no longer enough.
What I mean by this is that everything is a matter of focus. Where do you put the focus? Because there are people who put him in mileurista jobs and there are people who put him in creating their own empire. And what are you looking for? If you are looking to earn a thousand euros, you are going to go for jobs of a thousand euros, and you are going to reject jobs for less quantity, or to accept them temporarily while there is no other. But you will do the same if you go for jobs of 2000 euros.
What do you do? Rich-minded people are people of action, do, move, create, invent, try. Poor-minded people complain of their poverty. And I don't know anyone who complaining has solved their problem.
A rich-minded person believes that she is the one who decides how her life will be. People with a poor mentality believe that life rules and that you have to adapt to whatever comes your way, without the ability to decide.
Rich-minded people are willing to risk, to suffer, to gamble to achieve what they want. People with a poor mentality play not to lose, without risks
We could define financial intelligence as the ability or ability to generate wealth, solve economic problems, in short, manage money intelligently.
How do you use your money?
There are two ways to use the money. One is spending it and another is converting it into more money.
The first option is very easy to do. It is the motto of so much I have so much spending, because we also tend to accommodate our standard of living around the amount of money we earn. And a person who spends his money will hardly make more money, simply because if he earns more he will spend more. And we all know how easy it can be to spend it. A bigger house, a better car, better clothes, etc.. If your style is to spend money what you are doing is working for money. Mortgage your time, we already know that work is time, to earn money and spend it.
Instead there is another way to use the money, in my opinion more intelligently: turn it into more money. What is called acquiring assets instead of liabilities. Or what is the same to invest it in something that generates money instead of losses, for example in buying an apartment and renting it or selling it later for more money, acquiring shares, etc.. In this way what you do is that the money works for you and not you work for the money.
And you? Do you think big or do you think small? Are you willing to take risks or do you prefer the comfort of security? How are you going to use your money?
Whatever you decide, always remember that in any case you have the power to decide.
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