Mission and Personal Vision How to do them and Examples

Abraham McLaughlin

The mission and personal vision, In fields such as psychology or coaching, they are two of the fundamental pieces for obtaining a good life. While most people focus on short-term satisfaction, those who elaborate their personal mission and vision tend to achieve a higher degree of happiness..

The concepts of mission and vision arose for the first time in the world of companies, where their leaders used them to make the most of the resources of their companies and achieve all their goals. However, in recent times these two concepts have begun to be applied to the personal field.

In this article we explain what exactly these two concepts consist of, what are the differences between them and how you can apply them to your own life to achieve what you set out to do.

Article index

  • 1 What is a personal mission?
  • 2 Mission examples
    • 2.1 Mission 1: impact on the world
    • 2.2 Mission 2: complete freedom
  • 3 How to do a personal mission?
    • 3.1 Questions to find your mission
  • 4 What is a personal vision?
  • 5 Vision Examples
    • 5.1 Vision 1: adventure life on the beach
    • 5.2 Vision 2: creation of a multinational company
  • 6 How to make a personal vision?
  • 7 Conclusion
  • 8 References

What is a personal mission?

A personal mission is a statement about the kind of people we want to become. Unlike a goal, which is only responsible for defining a specific objective that we hope to achieve, the mission has to do with our values ​​and with everything that we consider important..

On the other hand, mission is something that can never be achieved. It is about a direction that we give to our life, a goal that will occupy you all your life to achieve.

The important thing is not to reach a desired state, but to use the mission as a compass to make important day-to-day decisions.

Unlike goals, your personal mission shouldn't change over time: it should be something that you are 100% convinced about, and that you want to dedicate your entire life to..

Therefore, finding your mission will be a process that will take you some time, but that will provide you with all kinds of rewards..

Mission examples

To understand exactly what a personal mission is, it is best to look at examples of other people who have already found yours. Below, you will find two specific missions that will illustrate you on the way to discover yours.

Mission 1: impact on the world

“I am here to make a difference in the lives of children who truly need it. My mission is to substantially improve the lives of thousands of children in Africa. I will achieve this by creating a series of NGOs, organizations and companies to improve this continent ".

Mission 2: complete freedom

“I am going to live a completely independent life. I will have the ability to travel anywhere in the world, whenever I want, and stay there as long as I want without my income decreasing. I want to be able to see the whole planet, and enjoy all kinds of experiences and people in the process. ".

How to do a personal mission?

As you can see, the two previous missions are completely different from each other. This is because each person has preferences, beliefs and values ​​that will lead them to have a different purpose in their life..

There are several tools for finding your personal mission, but the most powerful is asking yourself the right questions. Let's see how.

Questions to find your mission

Anthony Robbins, one of the best coach of the world, says that the quality of our life depends on the questions we ask ourselves.

This is especially true in the case of finding a quest, but what kind of questions can you use for this purpose? Here are some examples.

- If you knew that whatever you do, you will have the acceptance of everyone, what would you dedicate your life to??

- If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you want to achieve?

- What would you do if money and time weren't an issue?

- How can you impact the world or your own life in a positive way??

These questions, along with deep reflection and self-knowledge, will help you discover what your personal mission is..

What is a personal vision?

Now let's move on to the vision. Unlike the mission, the vision consists of a desired state that you want to achieve in the future. In this sense, it has much more to do with traditional goals than mission; but it encompasses much more than these.

To understand it, you can see the vision as the way you would live your life if you achieved each and every one of your goals..

Its usefulness lies in the fact that, once you are clear about the final goal, it is much easier to discover the steps to take to get there..

Vision Examples

Next we will see two examples of personal vision so that you are more clear about what exactly this concept consists of..

Vision 1: adventure life on the beach

“By fulfilling my goals, I want all my days to bring me a new adventure. I want to live near the sea and wake up in the morning with the sun coming through the window. I will dedicate the days to surfing, working on a project that I am passionate about and exploring the world; I will spend the nights connecting with interesting people and learning new things ".

Vision 2: creation of a multinational company

“My long-term goal is to be the owner of a large company that serves at least fifteen countries. This company will allow me to retire young, and spend my time advising other entrepreneurs on how to reap the same success as me. Then I will be able to use my free hours to practice my hobbies and share with my family ".

How to make a personal vision?

The best way to discover your personal vision is to ask yourself what a perfect day would be like for you. This exercise will allow you to discover what would happen in your life once you have achieved all your goals, and it will clarify the final result you want to obtain with your efforts..

Some of the questions you should ask yourself when doing this exercise are the following: What would you spend your time on? Who would you be with? How would you get money? Where you would like to live?


Discovering your mission and your personal vision can be very helpful in clarifying exactly what you want to achieve in your life and how you can get there. With the resources in this article, you are much closer to clarifying both components of your life..


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