Temporary Links Definition and Examples

Basil Manning

The temporary links They are connectors that allow subordinate sentences to be joined, giving them meaning so that they are related. By using temporal links we are joining main sentences to subordinate sentences through time.

There are two types of links, coordinating links and subordinating links. Coordinating links are those that join words or sentences of the same category. There are four types of coordinating links: copulative, disjunctive, adversative and ilative..

Subordinating links are those that subordinate an unimportant proposition to the main proposition. There are three types of subordination: substantive subordination, adjective subordination, and adverbial subordination..

The links of substantive subordination are those that use the conjunctions that, the one, the fact that, if; interrogative pronouns what, what, how, when ... for example "the fact that you smoke is bad"

Adjective subordination links use relative pronouns, for example "the tobacco you gave me is very bad"

Adverbial subordination links use adverbs to establish the order of subordination.

We can distinguish between temporal, local, modal and comparative, within circumstantial subordination, and causal and consecutive in logical subordination..

Characteristics of temporal links

Temporal links are used to connect subordinate clauses through adjectives, to locate and order fact chronologically.

We can distinguish three classes of temporal links: those of anteriority, those of simultaneity and those of posteriority..

The previous ones mark the chronological order of the previous events that we subordinate to the main sentence.

Those of simultaneity mark the time in which two simultaneous events occur. And those of posteriority mark the immediate succession of the subordinate clause to the main clause.

Within literary texts we can find a large number of elements that provide temporal information, but they are not always about links, but sometimes they fulfill a syntactic function as a circumstantial complement of time..

Temporal links are also used as structuring information within a text. They can introduce an enumeration, point out the last fact, discursive computers of the enumeration, etc..

Image via anep.edu.uy.

In the following table we can see all the temporal links that can be used in the Spanish lexicon.

Examples of temporary links

Within subordinate clauses:

1-My grandmother was asleep when my uncle Juan arrived.

2-It started to rain when I got home.

3-Before we knew it, it had already left.

4-After the people left, he told me his secret.

5-As soon as you finish the task you can go play.

6-He is always with me when I need him.

7-When I go, you come.

8-Let me know when you're ready.

9-I dyed my hair when I got divorced.

10-I picked up the house when I arrived on my trip.

In literary texts it is necessary to distinguish those that are temporal links of circumstantial complement of time:

Example 1

Word by word, absorbed by the sordid dilemma of the heroes, letting himself go towards the images that were coordinated and acquired color and movement, he witnessed the last meeting in the cabin of the mountain. First the woman entered, suspicious; now the lover arrived, his face hurt by the blow of a branch.

Extracted from the work of Cortázar, Continuity of Parks.

In this case, First and now are temporary links, however last is a circumstantial complement of time.

Example 2

He slammed his back and sped away, not looking back until he reached the crest of the last blade.. Then he turned, lifting his hat on his right hand. And that was what latest that the friends saw, when going down the hill the figure disappeared.

Excerpted from the work of Stelardo, Don Julio.

Example 3

Carlos Argentino pretended to be amazed at the beauty of the installation of the light I don't know (which, without a doubt, he already knew) and he told me with some severity:

-Bad of your degree you will have to admit that this place compares with the most encumbered of Flores.

Reread me, later, four or five pages of the poem. (…) He bitterly denounced the critics; soon, more benign, he equated them to those people "who do not have precious metals or steam presses, rolling mills and sulfuric acids for the minting of treasures, but who can indicate to others the place of the treasure".

Extracted from the work of Borges, The Aleph.

Example 4

When the cronopios go on a trip, they find the hotels full, the trains have already left, it rains loudly, and the taxis do not want to take them or they charge very high prices.

The Cronopians are not discouraged because they firmly believe that these things happen to everyone, and at bedtime they say to each other: "The beautiful city, the most beautiful city.".

And they dream all night that there are big parties in the city and that they are invited. The next day They get up very happy, and this is how the chronopians travel.

Extracted from the work of Cortázar, Travels.


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