Opportunity areas What are they, characteristics and examples

Sherman Hoover
Opportunity areas What are they, characteristics and examples

When we talk about opportunity areas We can approach the subject from different aspects, generally from the personal or from the business. However, the concept refers to something similar, what changes is the approach we give according to the context.

Knowing what areas of opportunity are will help you generate really effective changes and that is why we want you to know them and be able to apply them to yourself or to your company.

What are areas of opportunity?

Opportunity areas are called a set of competencies and skills that can be focused to achieve particular objectives.

However, you should know that the areas of opportunity are potentialities and this means that it is necessary to develop them to see your goals flourish..

Types of opportunity areas

As you can see, the concept of opportunity areas can be applied in different contexts, however, the most representative types of opportunity areas are:

  • Personal areas of opportunity
  • Business opportunity areas.

Although they are related concepts and only their focus varies, we will clarify each one a little so that you understand in depth what the matter is about.

What are personal opportunity areas?

When we speak of areas of personal opportunity, we refer to all those aspects of our personality, habits, behaviors, and ways of conducting ourselves in the world, which, when transformed in pursuit of improvement, help us develop talents that we did not know we already had. unlock aspects of our personality for our benefit. 

Detecting which are our personal areas of opportunity and focusing our actions to improve them, has multiple Benefits.

On the one hand, turning something we considered a weakness around and transforming it into a strength makes us feel more confident about ourselves, increases our self-esteem and we feel that we are capable of achieving everything we set out to do in life..

And as you know, a dose of high security, nobody doesn't like him. 

In the same way, it is necessary to say that those aspects to improve or areas of opportunities, if not worked, can put us in trouble in different spheres of our life, so putting these conditions to play in our favor, can be the best idea you have in a long time.

Steps to enhance our areas of personal opportunity

There are different ways to improve your areas of personal opportunity, here we will tell you some tips that will help you embark on this path of transformation.

Know yourself: If you know who you are, you will be able to detect which things you can improve to improve your life. 

Don't be afraid to recognize yourself: It is true that in many moments we do not want to face our aspects to improve, however, looking at ourselves objectively is vital to be able to detect our areas of opportunity and be able to work on them. 

Recapitulate: The recapitulation refers to examining our past experiences, to analyze which are those points that bring us the most conflict on a personal or social level, in this way we can know where to start. 

Celebrate our virtues: Celebrating what is good in us helps us to empower ourselves to improve what we do not like so much and to see it simply as a task for the better and not as a condemnation.. 

Time to write !: Write down both your strengths and your areas of opportunity, to see how you can enhance both. Putting them in perspective will help you see how one can feed the other.. 

Get on the road: Take the necessary actions to achieve the objective, remember that perseverance is the door of the great roads. 

Business opportunity areas

Similar to the previous case, the business opportunity areas are all those that we can identify and improve in work contexts, for the strengthening our businesses. 

In this case it is convenient to think about those points where we are weak and how to improve them, and in those spaces that we have not explored and that can be areas of great projection for our company. 

For this, what you should do is look at which areas of your company you receive more feedback or processes are hindered. After detecting them, intervene in such a way that what was a headache yesterday becomes a plus within your business.

With regard to those areas to explore, you can analyze the particular needs of your target audience. You can also do a market analysis in which you focus on looking at what are those areas that your business is missing.

Combining these two strategies can also help you find differentiating elements that work as added values ​​for your company and your customers, which will undoubtedly contribute to loyalty.. 

Examples of areas of opportunity

We hope that by now you are clear about what the areas of opportunity are about both on a personal and business level. Next we will give you some examples of how to put them in your favor.


Let's suppose that when you did your analysis of virtues and areas of opportunity, you detected that your area of ​​opportunity is to quit smoking and one of your virtues is your passion for healthy food..

From this line of meaning you can set the goal of changing your cigarettes for pieces of fruits or vegetables or some nuts. In this way you will take care of your health and little by little anxiety about cigarettes will decrease.. 

Another case could say that you discover that your area of ​​opportunity is to stop procrastinating and that this happens because you have many exciting interests. At this point, you can create a daily schedule in which you include everything you like and reward yourself for your achievements.

The results that can come out of this are incredible!!

At the business level

Suppose that your area of ​​opportunity is to improve the flow of sales, in this sense, through a marketing study you detect that creating Social Networks and enabling home services is something that other companies in your niche do.

If you think like an entrepreneur, you will know that this is not a weakness but an opportunity that your company can take advantage of to offer new sales channels to its users and increase the degree of loyalty

As you can see, knowing what areas of opportunity are and what they serve you for can make a difference both in your personal life and within a personal context..

Improving will always be good, so what follows is to increase your willpower and turn your areas of opportunity into immense strengths.. 

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