Routine and habits to prevent osteoarthritis

Anthony Golden
Routine and habits to prevent osteoarthritis

Australian researchers discovered a few years ago that an antioxidant-based diet helps stop the joint damage caused by osteoarthritis. According to their observations, antioxidants prevent inflammation caused by a poor diet.

Inflammation affects the joints and degrades cartilage, therefore, suffering from osteoarthritis increases. That is why scientists recommend a diet low in bad fats and carbohydrates, because in some cases this would prevent the joint from suffering and damage over time..

Eat good fats

According to the Queensland University of Technology (Australia), saturated fats from animal fats, butter and palm oil, After being ingested, they are deposited in the joints until they are weakened. For this reason, they recommend including good fats in the diet, such as oily fish or nuts, since they do not cause any deterioration..

Fatty acids contain omega 3s that reduce the production of chemicals that affect inflammation, because they have the power to inhibit the enzymes that cause it. In addition, fatty acids have vitamin D that prevents swelling and pain.

Avoid sugars

Sugars should be avoided by a person prone to developing osteoarthritis, since they increase the levels of cytokines (substances that activate inflammation) can even reach three times higher levels of inflammation in the joints. In particular, the consumption of all beverages containing high sugar levels such as sodas, sugary juices and also the ice cream.

Anti-inflammatory drinks

The University of Michigan discovered that epigallocatechin-3-gallate, present in green tea, delays the ailments caused by osteoarthritis due to its antioxidant components. After exposing their study, they recommended the consumption of between 3 to 4 cups a day, but in its decaffeinated version.

While other scientific studies show that turmeric reduces pain and inflammation, because it protects chondrocytes (a type of cell found in cartilage) from pro-inflammatory catabolic effect, because it stops the degradation of cartilage.

Physical activity

Physical exercise should also be introduced as a recurring activity for all those prone to osteoarthritis, because in this way the joints will be strengthened. Exercise is essential to slow the progression of the disease in the early stages. Activities such as swimming and cycling help delay the onset of the disease, because these activities strengthen the muscles that support the joints.

A sedentary lifestyle affects cells, According to the University of Surrey (England), since cells have more problems producing energy and this stress process transforms it into excess glucose, which it will not be able to use and convert it into lactic acid. The present levels of this acid in the body promote cartilage inflammation.

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