Are you mentally overweight?

Alexander Pearson
Are you mentally overweight?


  • Emotions and overweight
  • Our mental processes
  • Types of junk thinking
    • Critics
    • Pity
    • The assumptions
    • Would have or should
  • Interest in the media scandal or trash TV
  • Measures to slim the mind

Emotions and overweight

One person asked me why he frequently and insistently looked at obese subjects. These individuals caught his attention and he felt disgust when observing them. Usually, these types of sensations, from the emotional point of view, are related to the affected individual, which did not seem evident in this case; since the person had never been overweight, nor did anyone in his family, nor did he remember traumatic or stressful actions with obese subjects.

The previous case is precisely the one that gave me cause to reflect on the subject. The consultant was not physically overweight, but was mentally overweight. It was an individual who generated excess thoughts. Some will say: but if all human beings live thinking. And indeed it is. The difference is that such people generate too much mental eloquence that it leads nowhere. In other words, mostly "trash" thoughts. A series of ideas, imaginations, judgments, dissertations, etc., that do not represent benefits, contributions, knowledge, or information. Also, they are not unconscious, on the contrary, they are very conscious.

Our mental processes

Higher intellectual processes, social development, the rational process of understanding and analysis, planning, the ability to devise future experiences, and creativity through imagination take place in the conscious mind. Thanks to the mind, the great advances of humanity are possible. Thoughts are the basic unit of the mind. The use that we give it will depend on our life outcome.

The outcome of people's lives is measured by the quality of the thoughts (conscious and unconscious) that cross their heads. And although 95% of mental processes are unconscious, if the 5% that is equivalent to conscious processes (the thoughts that we are able to identify), it is not used in an attempt to know the unconscious, to be creative, to learn and change. , we will be left at the expense of total unconsciousness, automated and asleep, living dead.

The thoughts that come from the unconscious mind are not “junk” thoughts, for example: tragic, negative or catastrophic. These harm the person and induce them to awaken fears and insecurities, they occur without the subject identifying them. Like said thought there are countless numbers, which, if recognized, can be changed; leading to self-knowledge, to a true transformation or healing. “Trash” thoughts are useless, unnecessary, lacking in input and cause great energetic waste and slowing down conscious mental processes..

Types of junk thinking


I recently read a phrase that said: "The person who criticizes the least is the one who has the greatest virtues." This phrase expresses that when another person, situation or entity is crossed out, condemned, murmured or reproached, what is being avoided is contacting their own devaluation, their conflicts or self-esteem. Individuals who learn from others, from any event or context, assuming their responsibility in the projection of events, enhance their virtues.


I wrote in previous articles the difference between compassion and pity. The latter is related to victimhood, which represents that it is useless to achieve any personal, family or social change. They are “garbage” thoughts that fatten the mind, since in reality it corresponds to a high ego, they do not serve, they do not help the victim, rather it is a self-projection of one's own pity or guilt. For example, if we see a beggar and feel sorry for the subject and torment ourselves with thoughts of defeat, frustration or helplessness, the only thing that we will be achieving is reinforcing the situation of the victim and / or our own hurt..

The assumptions

I was surprised a long time ago, thinking of changing the decoration of the places I visited. I imagined where the painting, the table or the object would be better and I assumed how it would look my way. This is an example of exhausting thinking, as you couldn't change anything. Another type of assumption occurs when you conjecture or try to guess what others think or say about us or others, this is indeed a garbage thought. We do not know many times what we think, how do we pretend to know what others think?

Would have or should

They are thoughts that lead to little or nothing, since they are normally guided by guilt, and when it occurs, we lose our judgment and our view of reality. Guilt is victimhood and avoidance, it clouds our coherence and, therefore, most of the “would have” are unnecessary. Except if it is an introspection to improve, learn and change. "I should" also harbor impotence, reproach and disapproval.

When we occupy a large part of our conscious mind in these types of thoughts, we do not allow others of creativity, understanding, learning or beneficial, to arise. Trash thoughts make the mind overweight and inhibit the appearance of fruitful ones. The mind becomes heavy, wears out, becomes blocked and stops exercising in empowering processes that develop the virtues of creativity, goodness, improvement and transformation.

Interest in the media scandal or trash TV

A latent phenomenon in recent times is the so-called "trash TV", an industry that grows by virtue of the existence of people with mental overweight. Those who are interested, and in some cases, obsessed by scandal, personal confrontation, insult, denigration and invasion of the privacy of others. What happens in this kind of program is similar to what happens in these obese minds..

The emotional profile of overweight conscious minds is that of subjects who need to fill up with “junk” information to withdraw or escape from themselves, from what they are and do not want to be, from the fear that being with themselves generates or from pain pending emotional healing. They are individuals who seek to withdraw from the reality of their lives, distract their emotional emptiness and find in this type of excessive thoughts a way to hide their inner unease. They are people who do not learn to generate creative thoughts; to self-evaluate and navigate inside to solve their boring lives; they do not find or question the lack of a reason to exist and above all, they are subjects lacking self-love.

Measures to slim the mind

Mentally overweight people need to modify the system that is leading them to generate excessive “junk” thoughts. Which means to stop being thought, that is, not to allow those thoughts to dominate and control your mind. A priority measure is to learn to rest the mind. For this there are art exercises, meditation or the same sports practice. Do activities that help leave room for mental relaxation. The next thing is to renew or replace junk thoughts, for this it is necessary to help yourself with reading, watch consciousness films, attend self-help workshops or seminars or study on topics of interest to you and that help you to know yourself and improve yourself..

Another measure is to improve the environment, but to achieve this, it is first necessary to identify and recognize what the environment in which the person is developing is reflecting. For example, if you usually meet with critical people, to learn from the situation, it is necessary to try to answer some questions that I usually call conscientious, such as the following: Why am I listening to this person? Why am I listening to this criticism? What am I criticizing for? Why am I with this person if I don't like him? What am i here for?

The previous type of questions will help greatly in any situation experienced, they are a way to get focused on yourself, instead of the other. Likewise, you learn to know yourself, you take advantage of the opportunity to transcend and unload unproductive and excessive thoughts. The answers will also be an immense contribution to creativity and personal development, helping the flow of life and well-being..

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