We could define change as action of modifying or transforming something. This change can take place in different aspects of our life (personal, profes...
Another article to find my passion? It seems that everything has already been said and written in this field, right?? I know: looking for your passion...
To make decisions, for a long, long time, psychologists have proposed the list of "advantages and disadvantages", "the positive and the negative" now ...
You've been reading books for years, visiting daily blogs from development and motivation, You make New Year's resolutions to do more sports and eat b...
The spectacularization of the recent techniques to keep you motivated that circulate in collective talks and YouTube videos seems to have made us fall...
Do you want to receive the visit of success? Well, dedicate yourself to what you love. And now comes the interesting thing, what is it that you love? ...
What can happen if when you ask yourself important questions you come across that aspect of your personality, the indecisive part? Where does this fac...
Every beginning of the year we set ourselves and we set ourselves great challenges. Some we discard as soon as we write or think about them. Others, o...
Today I would like to talk about a powerful binomial that can transform our lives in a decisive and positive way. This binomial is known as the idea-a...