I leave you the best Napoleon Bonaparte quotes (1769-1821), military man, Emperor of France from 1805 to 1814, and one of the great conquerors and str...
I leave you thetop Jean William Fritz Piaget quotes (1896-1980), epistemologist, biologist and psychologist, creator of influential theories about the...
I leave you the best phrases of José Martí (1853-1895), politician, philosopher, writer, thinker and prominent journalist of the 19th century, of Cuba...
I leave you the best Jean-Paul Sartre quotes (1905-1980),pioneering intellectual and defender of existentialism who championed leftist causes in Franc...
I leave you the best phrases of Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936), famous Spanish writer and philosopher belonging to the generation of 98. He cultivated ...
I leave you the best Dante Alighieri quotes (1265-1321),great Italian poet, essayist and writer considered one of the great writers of all time. His g...
I leave you the best Mafalda phrases, comic character drawn from 1964 to 1973 by the graphic humorist Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, known as Quino. P...
I leave you the best Ernest Hemingway quotes (1899-1961),American writer born in 1899 in the city of Illinois. He is considered one of the greatest wr...
I leave you the best Aldous Huxley quotes (1894-1963), English essayist and novelist born in 1894. In 1921 he published his first novel called Crome s...