I leave you the best phrases by Anthony de Mello (1931-1987), Jesuit priest, spiritual teacher and Indian speaker. His most outstanding works are Wake...
I leave you the best Vegeta quotes, one of the main characters in the anime series Dragon Ball. It is about a prince of the Saiyans, an extraterrestri...
I leave you the best iron man phrases (Tony Stark), the famous millionaire who is also part of the Avengers team. This character was created by Stan L...
I leave you the best Tokyo Ghoul phrases, the manga series written and illustrated by Sui Ishida, serialized in seinen Young Jump magazine. Its protag...
I leave you the best phrases of Juan Salvador Gaviota, written by the American writer Richard Bach, one of the great fables of the twentieth century a...
I leave you the best phrases of the Alchemist, novel by Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho that has been translated into more than 63 languages and publi...
I leave you more than 60 quotes of Robin sharma, leadership and personal development expert, and bestselling author as The monk Who Sold His Ferrari o...
Here are more than 30 quotes of Neil strauss, journalist, writer and expert in seduction, launched to fame by the publication of his first book The me...
I leave you the best Machiavelli phrases (1469-1527), Italian diplomat, philosopher and writer, known for writing the treatise on politics Prince. He ...