I leave you a list of good morning phrases to dedicate to your friends, partner, family or work colleagues. With them you can make their day and show ...
I leave you a list of the best weekend phrases to reflect, have fun, make notes or dedicate to friends, family or partner. You may also be interes...
I leave you the best phrases of pride from great authors such as Alexander Dumas, William Shakespeare, Baruch Spinoza, Friedrich Nietzsche, Dalai Lama...
I leave you the best phrases about death from excellent authors such as Mahatma Gandhi, Cicero, Helen Keller, Anne Frank, William Shakespeare, Marcus ...
I leave you the best dog phrases, the best friend of man and surely the most abundant pet in the homes of human beings. They will serve you to share a...
I leave you the best phrases about wine, its flavor and the sensations that are had when taking this millenary drink. They are by great authors such a...
I leave you the best cat phrases, one of the most loved pets in the world for its cleanliness, tranquility and affection. They are by great authors su...
I leave you the best superiority phrases from excellent authors such as Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Ari...
I leave you the best phrases of despair of great authors such as Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Søren Kierkegaard, Henry David Thoreau, J.R.R. Tolki...