The sound diffraction is the phenomenon that occurs when sound curves and spreads around an opening or obstacle. It is something common to all waves: ...
Relative roughness and absolute roughness are two terms that are used to describe the set of existing irregularities inside the commercial pipes that ...
The moody diagram consists of a series of curves drawn on logarithmic paper, which are used to calculate the friction factor present in the flow of a ...
The normal effort applied to a certain material, also called uniaxial stress, is the relationship that exists between the force applied perpendicularl...
The axial load It is the force that is directed parallel to the axis of symmetry of an element that makes up a structure. The axial force or load can ...
The radial load It is the force that is exerted perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of an object and whose line of action passes through this axis. ...
The Relative density is the dimensionless relationship that exists between the density of a substance and a reference substance, which is generally wa...
The diffraction sound It is the property that waves have of flexing at the edges of obstacles or openings equal to or less than their wavelength and c...
The Antoine's constants are three parameters that appear in an empirical relationship between saturation vapor pressure and temperature for pure subst...