Quickly it can be known what are the divisors of 30, as well as any other number (other than zero), but the fundamental idea is to learn how the divis...
There are many divisions in which the remainder is 300. In addition to citing some of them, a technique will be shown that helps to build each of thes...
There are several ways to calculate the sides and angles of a triangle. These depend on the type of triangle you are working with. In this opportu...
The factor theorem states that a polynomial P (x) is divisible by a binomial of the form (x - a) if x = a is a root of P (x), that is, P (a) = 0. It i...
Called circumference angles those in which some of its elements are or intersect at a given circumference. Among them are the following: 1.- The c...
It defines the vector quantity, or vector, such as the one for which it is necessary to specify both its magnitude or module (with the respective unit...
The ecuation systems They consist of two or more equations with several variables that must have a common solution. They are frequent, because in prac...
The trigonometric identities are relationships between trigonometric ratios, which are true for any value of the variable. For example: tan θ = si...
The unit circle is a circle of radius equal to 1, which is usually centered at the point (0,0) of the Cartesian coordinate system xy. Used to easily d...