The Beers criteria are a group of tools designed to detect medications that can be dangerous for the elderly. Older adults, from the medical point of ...
The saphenectomy It is a surgical procedure in which the great saphenous vein is ligated and removed. This large vein crosses the entire lower limb on...
The precordial pain It is a symptom that can be present in many diseases and may or may not have a cardiac origin, hence the importance of knowing how...
The hypercarbia is the medical term for increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCOtwo) in blood. Normal PaCO valuestwo they are between 35 and...
Hypokalemia or hypokalemia is the medical term used to refer to the decrease of potassium in the blood. It is an electrolyte disorder where the balanc...
The osteochondroma It is a type of tumor that occurs in growing bones. The nature of this lesion is benign and involves bone surfaces that are still c...
The ankylosis it is the functional limitation in a joint due to morphological alterations. The origin of the changes in joint architecture has to do w...
The phrenilectomy or frenectomy It is the intervention that consists of the section or cut of the frenulum. However, we must clarify that we find thre...
The Sensorineural hearing loss (HNS) is the decrease or loss of hearing as a result of damage to the cochlea or auditory nerve. Both the cochlear orga...