The lissencephaly neurological disorder in which there is insufficient development of the cerebral sulci and convolutions. It is a congenital malforma...
The brain abscess It is a type of brain infection that some specialists define as a suppurative process, in which there is an accumulation of pus and ...
The Sotos syndrome or "Cerebral gigantism" in a genetic pathology characterized by exaggerated physical growth during the first years of life. Specifi...
The sleep physiology It is characterized by two phases, REM and NoREM, and within the REM phase there are four stages. Adults normally get about 8 hou...
The tuberous sclerosis (ET) or Bourneville disease It is a pathology of genetic origin that produces the growth of benign tumors (hamartomas) and vari...
The types of seizures The main ones are generalized and focal. Depending on the area of the brain that is affected, the presence of one type or anot...
The hepatic encephalopathy (EH) is a medical pathology characterized by the presence of mental disorders in a person suffering from chronic liver dise...
The Prader-Willi syndrome (SPW) is a multisystemic pathology that has a congenital genetic origin. It is a complex disease that affects appetite, grow...
The Williams syndrome it is a developmental disorder of genetic origin that is associated with a characteristic profile of physical and cognitive impa...