The Patau syndrome is a congenital disease of genetic origin, due to the presence of a trisomy on chromosome 13. Specifically, it is the third most fr...
The fluoxetine, better known as prozac,is an antidepressant that falls under the category of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Better k...
The Treacher Collins syndrome It is a pathology of genetic origin that affects the development of the bone structure and other tissues of the facial a...
The Apert syndrome or acrocephalosyndactyly type I (ACS1) is a pathology of genetic origin that is characterized by the presence of different alterati...
The locked-in syndrome is a rare neurological disorder characterized by a generalized and complete paralysis of the voluntary muscles of the body, exc...
Our brain learns from experiences: facing our environment alters our behavior through the modification of our nervous system (Carlson, 2010). Despite ...
The glutamate It is the neurotransmitter with the most abundant excitatory function in the nervous system of vertebrate organisms. It plays a fundamen...
In this article I will describe the main spinal diseases so you can identify them and prevent them from happening again. Back pain is very common, I d...
The cranial nerves are twelve pairs of nerves that directly connect the brain and the brainstem with different parts of the body such as muscles, orga...