In a summarized and general way, we could say that the Psychopedagogy focuses specifically on the learning problems of children, adolescents or adults...
One of the main reasons that leads parents to a psychological consultation are problems related to the education of their children: challenging behavi...
"don't hold him so much in your arms that he gets used to it", "let him cry in the crib, it is not good to hold him so much", "it is best to pass him ...
Childhood tics occur quite frequently and also appear in adolescence. They cause a great disturbance in the life of the child, interfering in their da...
To talk about the knowledge that the primary school teacher It is necessary to start from a fundamental premise in the work of every pedagogue. Refere...
A few weeks ago on social media, I posted a series of guidelines on how to put a baby to sleep. And what has been usual lately happened, that of white...
In recent decades there has been a revolution regarding Down syndrome. However, of this widespread syndrome (tens of thousands of people in Spain and ...