10 Questions About Abortion You Should Know

Simon Doyle
10 Questions About Abortion You Should Know

These questions about abortion they will give you new light on an issue that continues to be controversial in many parts of the world.

Discussions around abortion have been kept alive. On the one hand, the Feminist Movements have promoted different strategies to achieve the legalization of abortion in different countries, while the Pro-Life Movements assure that abortion is a deliberate attempt on life itself.. 

In this article, we do not seek to side with either side, but rather to address the issue, through questions about abortion answered from different areas of knowledge..

Questions about abortion

We group these questions about abortion into categories of sociocultural interest. We would love to know your opinion on the subject, in the comments of this publication, or enrich the article with new information on the subject.

Legal questions about abortion

1. Is there any decree or international agreement that establishes a unified position on the issue of the legation of abortion at the international level??

With regard to legal postulates on the issue of abortion, governments have full autonomy to determine their position on the issue in accordance with their legal mechanisms or tools..

2. In which category does the issue of abortion fall into legal discussions??

At the legal and jurisprudential level, the issue of abortion is appealed within the framework of sexual and reproductive rights. From this line of meaning, each country generates its own legal framework around the subject, in accordance with its constitutional and regulatory characteristics.. 

Religious questions about abortion

3. What is the biblical position on abortion?

The Bible is a sacred book for Christians, according to experts on the subject, the Bible recognizes life as something sacred from the womb. This is argued from various biblical quotes in which it is stated that even before conception, life has a supreme value.. 

Some of these quotes are:

"Before I formed you in the womb I already knew you, before you were born I had consecrated you to be a prophet." (Book of the Prophet Jeremiah)

"Because you have formed my body, you have woven me in my mother's womb." (Psalm 139)

This is one of the most repetitive questions about abortion. Here we approach it from the Christian religion, but it should be noted that in most religions the value of life is appreciated from conception and is considered supreme.

4. Is there a fixed position on the issue of abortion in the Bible?

It must be said that within the Bible there is no section or fixed position that condemns abortion, however, it must be noted that according to the context of the highly patriarchal book, this could not be contemplated by women.

In the same way, as we saw before, there are multiple fragments that allude to the sacred value of life from conception, and even one of the commandments of God's law says: "You shall not kill."

Medical questions about abortion

5. Can I lose my life having an abortion?

The fatal risks of abortion depend especially on the method. In the case of countries where abortion is legal and the practice is done with specialized personnel and adequate psychological support, the risks are low, it could be said that it has the same risks as any surgical intervention.

In the case of home methods or without medical supervision, the risk of dying increases considerably, taking into account that it is a process that can compromise the overall health of the person.

This is why in countries where it is not legal, the mortality rate due to abortion is higher, since these processes occur within the framework of illegality.. 

6. If I have an abortion, can anyone find out??

One of the questions about abortion that most frightens women is to think that other people may realize this. If you have an abortion with the company of medical personnel, according to the privacy rights of the users, no one can access this information without your consent..

In cases where abortions are performed clandestinely, it is very difficult for someone to know, unless you go to the medical center and undergo a test that detects the hormonal load typical of pregnancy.

In this case, depending on the country, the woman will or will not have legal implications, but in all cases this information must be kept strictly confidential.. 

Social questions about abortion

7. Is abortion an issue that affects the whole of society??

In medical terms, abortion is considered a public health problem that affects the entire society. Regardless of whether we are talking about a country where it has been legalized or those where the issue is hardly discussed, abortion directly and indirectly affects the lives of many people.

These are some of the highest points where the burden that the practice of abortion brings with it is seen: 

  • The woman has the right to decide on her own body and interrupt the pregnancy, even if the biological father of the unborn baby wants to keep the baby.
  • Inclusion of abortion within the practices subsidized by the health system.
  • Legal and safe abortion regardless of the causes of it.
  • Public awareness of the issue.
  • Abortion equated with parental abandonment.

8. Which are the countries that have legalized abortion?

The position on abortion varies according to the country. There are countries where abortion is legal and safe, others that approve it under certain circumstances, and others where it is totally prohibited..

Among the countries where abortion is legal upon request, we find: United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guyana, Uruguay, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Singapore, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Spain , Norway, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Sweden, all eastern countries except Poland, Australia and New Zealand.

In addition to these, there are others in which abortion is allowed with special conditions and medical advice..

Psychological questions about abortion

9. Does abortion always leave psychological consequences for the woman?

Abortion is a traumatic event that regardless of whether it is spontaneous or premeditated.

In the first case, in which the pregnancy is interrupted for reasons beyond the control of the woman, this can leave sequelae of pain, feelings of loss and other emotional disorders, which must be grieved to that do not substantially affect the life of the woman. 

In the cases in which the pregnancy is interrupted voluntarily, in the same way there are various psychic sequelae that can alter the life of the woman. T

taking into account that abortion is an experience that no one would like to live, and from that postulate it is a challenge for women to face a pregnancy that they do not want and make the decision to abort in a society where opinions on the subject are so strongly divided. 

Given all of the above, although we do not speak of a postabortion syndrome properly, it cannot be ignored that it is an event that leaves important sequelae in the lives of women who have it..

10. Is psychological support necessary in case of abortion?

Taking into account that abortion is a traumatic event, regardless of its nature, psychological support is necessary and almost vital..

This is based on the fact that regardless of its causes, abortion is something that profoundly affects a woman's life and this can lead to mental complications, This is why professional accompaniment can be extremely useful to go through a highly complex process for women. 

The importance of psychological support is based on the fact that at a medical level, in countries where abortion is legal, the woman is provided with psychological support before and after the abortion is performed..

We hope that you are questions about abortion have given new lights on the subject and broaden your horizon of perception, to understand this social problem in greater depth.

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