Going through a separation is an emotionally charged situation that leaves more traces than memories. In addition to the usual emotions, the unknowns and the work that requires getting rid of all the memories, there are the effects on your self-esteem.
If you are lucky, you experienced a quiet separation. One by mutual agreement after rational conversations in which both discovered that they aspire to a very different future lifestyle. And if so, it is likely that for a long time you have cultivated good self-esteem and know what is best for you and how to achieve it..
If, on the contrary, you lived a toxic relationship and / or an ending full of frustrations and unknowns, then it is also very likely that your self-esteem after a separation (and during) has been strongly affected.
First of all, it is important to identify if as a result of the loving separation you experienced, you have been left with low self-esteem.
Because if so, everything would seem to indicate that the love break you experienced has affected your self-esteem.
Today I share with you 5 ways you can improve your self-esteem after a separation.
The goal is for you to take action as soon as possible. That you banish any harmful attitude for you and that you focus your concentration on what will actually help you recover. Which in turn will also help prevent your self-esteem from being negatively affected..
Here are 5 ways to do it:
It is normal that during the time you lived in the relationship you have become used to defining yourself as part of it.
You described yourself as a person who had a partner. You programmed your schedule considering your partner's activities and preferences. And of course, much of the way you act, speak, dress and even think, was influenced by the relationship you had at that time..
But now the reality is different. The truth is that your ex is no longer in your present life.
Therefore, after the separation with your ex, you can no longer describe yourself based on the person you were while you were with your ex..
Now you no longer have a partner, but that not means you should start describing yourself as your ex's ex.
A person with qualities and own lifestyle.
Gone are the days when you considered your ex's preferences when planning your days. Now you must focus on discovering what you like and put it at the beginning of your priorities.
Your self-esteem will be strengthened as you get used to describing yourself as an independent person who lives in the present (not in the nostalgia of a past relationship) and who gives himself the opportunity to experience something that satisfies him every day..
Staying focused on conversations related to your ex is one of the common and fatal post-breakup mistakes. That is why to improve your self-esteem after a separation you should try to focus on positive conversations..
It is natural for you to focus on talking about what you lack.
Surely you will seek to analyze the relationship from other perspectives with the desire to answer the unknowns that appeared after the separation. Perhaps you even use this practice as a way to vent and find an order to your thoughts..
And all of this is normal.
However, you cannot remain stuck in that situation. Much less allow yourself to go deeper into a vicious circle of reliving over and over again what you lived with your ex..
One of the best ways to regain your self-esteem after a breakup is to develop yourself. And for this, positive, interesting and enriching conversations are extremely useful..
Seek to relate in a different way. Get interested in new topics, research, read, watch documentaries and videos. And then get used to talking about them with other people.
Intellectual development and interaction with other people increases the satisfaction you have with yourself. So get out of that vicious cycle of having conversations about your ex and start paying more attention to what you enjoy regardless of the topic..
For example; If you are one of those who like sports, then do your research on nutrition, muscle function and start following mentors. Join groups of athletes, talk about the subject with your friends and family and become the organizer of activities in this regard.
You can also take the opportunity to discover more information that allows you to improve your work performance. Or you could even start with that hobby you've been putting off.
Whatever it is, dare to know more about it and share with others about this topic..
Taking care of your health should always be in your top priorities. Even more so in those moments when you go through difficult or high-stress situations.
Unfortunately I know very well that most people neglect their physical health in times of sadness.
Lack of desire, motivation, desire, etc., are usually the reasons for neglecting health. However, to get through any difficult situation, including a separation, you must stay healthy..
Taking care of your health is important because in complete physical well-being, your brain will be able to function better. And in doing so, it will have the ability to produce the hormones it needs to keep you positive, alert, and active..
So if you want to take care of your self-esteem after a separation, it is important that you make sure that you are eating nutritiously and that you are sleeping the necessary hours..
And the most important of all; (from my point of view and experience) exercise to get away from depression. Physical exercise will generate serotonin, dopamine and endorphin hormones in your body, which will motivate your feeling of satisfaction.
In addition to that, you will have the benefits of a better physical condition, more energy and in the long term an improvement in your physical appearance.
Keep in mind that to strengthen your self-esteem you must carry out activities that you consciously know are positive for you.
Get used to treating yourself well and giving you what you need. Doing so will increase your self-satisfaction and will get you used to treating yourself in a positive way..
I personally recommend that people be active on social media. At the end of the day, it is currently thanks to them that people can stay connected, get informed, share with others, etc..
However, for those who have experienced a love breakup, I recommend keeping a little distance from social networks and concentrating more on being part of real activities.
There are two fundamental reasons why today I make this recommendation.
The first is why stay connected increase the chances of knowing about your ex. And the truth is that the more time you lose focus on your ex, the slower your recovery will be..
Actually, after living a separation, you cannot afford to waste time and social media is the perfect one for it. If they are in that situation, the main thing is that you focus on your present life and what you want to achieve in the short term..
The second reason is because you can be tempted to make unproductive comparisons.
If you have access to know about your ex's life, you will automatically compare what he did with you with what he does now. If your ex has a new partner, you will compare yourself with him or her and also compare the activities they do with those they did with you.
It can also happen that you begin to compare your life, which at this moment you do not see with the best eyes, with the lives of other people. And let's face it, everyone shows only the positive things that happen to them on social media..
Note that:
Avoid exposing yourself to situations that arouse negative feelings. Choose to interact with other people, get out of the house, and share with others. Much better if you do it taking into account the previous 3 recommendations.
Do not compare your life with that of others and better focus on building the life you want for yourself.
Don't waste time researching your ex, either. It will be much better if you focus your thoughts and energies on shaping the way to build a new lifestyle without shadows of the past..
Surely you have noticed that throughout this article I have insisted that you focus on yourself.
And it is that the success to overcome a love break is to concentrate your time and your energies in your present and future life.
If you insist on staying stuck in the past, in nostalgic memories or in questioning, you will hinder your recovery.
That is why the fifth recommendation that I bring you so that you do not neglect your self-esteem after a separation is: build.
Build what you want for yourself and get used to keeping your self-esteem in style.
A healthy self-esteem is one in which, knowing what is positive for you, you make the decision to act and think to favor yourself.
It is not about selfishness, it is about taking responsibility for your happiness by building it day by day.
That is why the most important thing to always maintain good self-esteem, especially after a separation, is to build what you want for yourself..
Define how you want your life to be from now on and set goals to help you achieve them. Get used to creating your own happiness by dedicating time to those activities and people that are positive for you.
Keep in mind that a positive relationship is not one in which you find someone who gives you love in the way you want. Rather, it is one in which two people who want to share their lives in a relationship, have their own life and their own happiness to share..
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