Knowledge about adjective phrases, it is necessary if you want to learn to master the language and make effective use of it. Learning about the particularities of the language we inhabit, not only gives us new knowledge but also teaches us to communicate much better.
Thinking of helping you better understand the structure of the sentences that we use in our day to day life, today we are going to talk about adjective phrases.
Adjective phrases are called all those phrases that are responsible for characterizing the nucleus of a subject. The subject can be a person, object or thing.
To understand this much better, it is necessary to clarify What is an adjective? Adjectives are words that accompany the noun to determine its qualities or limit its extension.
To get into the subject, you must understand that there are different types of adjectives according to their function.
The main ones are:
With this clear, we are going to present you the most important types of adjective phrases, with some examples.
Qualifying adjective phrases are those that reveal the qualities of the subject.
The demonstrative adjectival phrases demonstrate the distance between the receiver and the sender, or the enunciated subject.
This type of phrase, as its name indicates, denotes possession or belonging.
Indefinite adjectival phrases stand out for showing something that is not concrete or quantities that are not specific.
They are those phrases that introduce the notions of numbers or quantity.
Below we will share some examples of adjective phrases that you can use in your homework, research work or in writing texts.
1. The night is dark like your eyes
2. Pain is as big as the world
3. His hair is blonde like the sun
4. The distance between us is short
5. Dogs bark loudly in the morning.
6. His heart is whiter than hers
7. The address you are looking for is crossing a few streets
8. Blue skies are divine
9. Alexander broke his heart
10. The windows are gold
11. The girl's dreams are tremulous
12. The doors are huge
13. White ducks love corn
14. Silver instruments are very small
15. The cards are own
16. My houses are green
17. The yellow keychain is yours
18. Those stars twinkle very hard
19. His eyes sparkle in an incredible way
20. My favorite animals are birds
21. We bought twenty horses
22. I would eat 23 donuts
23. That cake has to be chocolate and raspberry
24. Small dogs run very fast
25. I like the fresh wind
26. Smart men are more sincere
27. The most beautiful women are intelligent
28. New adventures teach us faster
29. Big dogs are a bit dangerous
30. Loyal friends are worth a million
31. Those flowers know the secrets of spring
32. The formula is for the brave
33. Their hearts were free from deception
34. Yellow fruits are very healthy
35. Some accepted, the rest disagreed
36. I like tortillas only a little
37. The time machine is a very crazy idea
38. Blue whales sing a little weird
39. Teamwork is very fruitful
40. Grudge is absurd and painful.
The adjective phrases for children work the same as the previous examples, only created from more basic structures that adapt much better to the level of understanding of the little ones..
That is why below we will share some adjective phrases for children with simple structures, so that you can use them in class, in tutorials or to teach your children at home.
We hope that with this article you have learned about the adjective phrases and you can use them like a professional in all your academic work. Remember that mastering the language with which you communicate is an undeniable sign of culture.
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