Every year we have to congratulate many people on their birthday: friends, family, acquaintances, partner and a long etcetera and it is difficult to f...
You have listened to them since your childhood. You grew up repeating them as if they were mantras. They became responses from those closest to you wh...
We tend to confuse our opinion with what is true. That is, we commonly take something (anything) for granted simply because we think so. Thus, for exa...
In movies, books, with our friends ... we have heard a thousand times: To overcome a problem, the first thing you have to do is accept it.. But what t...
I have been trying for a long time, going around, trying, trying ... to become, to do, to feel, to check. I've been fighting for a long time to be som...
I have a secret for you. Do you want to hear it? Of course, I warn you that it can traumatize you a bit. Do you still want? Well, read on ... I have d...
Throughout our lives our mood fluctuates due to a multitude of events and sometimes it happens that we feel sad, worried, stressed or discouraged. Oft...
Death is a common scenario in our lives. Sooner or later we end up living with her directly or indirectly. However, it is a taboo subject and one that...
The Ego is a small piece of a person's Being. Also known as mask, identity, personality. It is the way we learn to cover ourselves and feel "safe", th...