The term "luck", which comes from the Latin sors Y sortis, It is defined as a circumstance or chain of events, which occurs fortuitously or by chance....
Dreaming that your teeth are falling out Before getting into the subject and talking about different meanings of dreaming about your teeth falling out...
Evidence of the unwanted side effects that anti-anxiety medications can have has generated a heightened interest in finding easy and natural ways to r...
Interest in well-being, scientific curiosity, social and ethical commitment are some of the factors that drive people to study human behavior. When yo...
CBD is the oil obtained from the hemp plant. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive and has abundant therapeutic properties, one of which is the treatmen...
In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in the incidence of learning disabilities, becoming one of the main battles for students. psyc...
Alteration of cognitive processes and perception of reality, these are the general and global effects of psychedelic drugs, psychotropic substances pr...
Cannabidiol (commonly known by its acronym CBD) is the oil obtained from the hemp plant, specifically it is found naturally in the cannabis flower (Ca...
While the recreational use of marijuana is undoubtedly harmful, the Cannabis plant can be a valuable source of medicines since it is composed of diffe...