The increase in life expectancy in recent decades has led to a substantial increase in diseases associated with aging such as dementia. They constitut...
Reduce anorexia to the simple desire or whim of be thin is to look only at the tip of the iceberg. In fact, it burns the mental illness with the highe...
There is life and non-life and anxiety is the non-life in life. Non-life in life because we are actually alive when we are having this kind of experie...
Woman, between 12 and 25 years old, who initially worried about her appearance enters the universe of the eating disorder hand in hand with a diet (in...
Legend has it that Catherine of Siena it could be the first documented case of anorexia nervosa. It was around the fourteenth century, when this disea...
Cognitive processes and memory allow us a correct development of skills and experiences. Over the years they deteriorate and it is necessary to take m...
Like every year, the Christmas holidays are approaching. Many are the people who feel happy but many others become depressed. What happens at christma...
Sigmund Freud's theory of narcissism it reverses the way in which it had been thinking before him, distorting it from the sense of its self-centeredne...
As a result of the research on anxiety for my thesis, I have been expanding my relationship and my experience with anxiety. I will tell you a little h...