I have special friends, full of positive energy, fighters, independent, cute. I have others who have managed to shine professionally, who made a famil...
The anxiety it is one of the most frequent psychological problems in our society. It is part of everyday life of many people and almost all of us have...
It is a reality that many people find it difficult to take the step of ask for professional help to solve your emotional problems, and many of them do...
In recent years my life has taken many turns. Break up with my lifelong partner, change houses, master's degree, get to know me as a housewife, my mot...
When a person has gone through several romantic failures; There comes a time, in which you can ask yourself what you are doing wrong so that your rela...
“Anyone has the potential to become suicidal when faced with a situation that produces emotional pain and considers it endless, intolerable and with n...
Do we really promote inclusion? Society is permeated with movements that make us believe that this is the case. But if true, Why do many pathologies r...
It is not a topic to be taken as a joke. When we talk about self-harm, we know what we mean. It is not a pathology. It is a means of expression. That ...
Many types of patients come to the office, depressed, anxious, unmotivated, introverted patients, but there is one of them who has a certain peculiari...