The state is made up of four elements: population, territory, government and sovereignty What is the state? The Condition it is defined as a political...
What are legal norms? Legal norms are those rules that regulate the behavior of a society, in a given space and time, and that carry legal consequenc...
The Liber Iudiciorum It is a code of legal law of the Visigoth Empire, promulgated by King Recesvinto, probably in the year 654, after being revised d...
What is a petition letter? A letter of request is a document by means of which a person asks some entity, institution or person for some material good...
What are the obligations of merchants? The obligations of merchants (Mexico) consist of certain duties that the Commercial Code requires of all perso...
The systematic method is one of those used in the field of law The systematic method applied to law is based on the relationship between a specific la...
An example of a resignation letter What is a letter of resignation? A resignation letter is a document that a worker uses to formally notify their emp...
Good conduct letter example What is a letter of good conduct? A good conduct letter It is a writing or document that aims to give a certification on t...
Money receipt example What is a money receipt? A money receipt is a document by means of which a natural or legal person acknowledges having received ...