We are often limited by our vocabulary. The subjective experience is so unique that attempts to express it perfectly are not always successful. Think ...
Knowledge about adjective phrases, it is necessary if you want to learn to master the language and make effective use of it. Learning about the partic...
A sheet of leaf as the name implies is the fourth part of a complete sheet, In the first instance this may seem a little relevant data, but the paper ...
Learning about functional texts will help you use language more effectively and include an implicit rhetorical function that allows you to achieve you...
The discursive modes are the different scriptural forms that we use to fulfill our communicational objectives and make the reader understand what we w...
Learn to make a descriptive review it will save your life on more than one occasion, because we are talking about a document with high circulation in ...
To know what are textual prototypes and knowing its characteristics helps us in a great way to write texts that meet the communicative objective that ...
Literary currents are a set of works from a given period. Each of them has particular characteristics related to chronological time and the aesthetic ...
The poems of modernism (or also called "modernist poems" or "modernist poetry") are texts that follow the classical structure of poetry but located wi...