The venous angioma, Technically known as a developmental venous anomaly, it is a group of vascular malformations, considered as a developmental altera...
The hyperalgesia it is a phenomenon characterized by developing a state of increased sensitivity to pain. This condition occurs after an injury and ma...
The myoclonus or myoclonus are sudden twitching or jerking of a muscle or group of muscles. People who experience them cannot control these spasms, th...
The synaptogenesis It is the formation of synapses between the neurons of the nervous system. A synapse is a junction or contact between two neurons, ...
The resting membrane potential or resting potential occurs when the membrane of a neuron is not altered by excitatory or inhibitory action potentials....
The neurulation it is a fundamental phase in embryonic development in which the neural tube develops, a structure that will give rise to the brain and...
The ectoderm it is one of the three germ layers that appear in early embryonic development. The other two are the mesoderm and endoderm, which lie bel...
The endoderm it is one of the three germ layers that arise in early embryonic development, around the third week of gestation. The other two layers ar...
The subarachnoid hemorrhage it is a spill of blood produced in the subarachnoid space. The latter is part of the cerebral meninges, and is the cavity ...