If we think of famous inventors, the normal thing is that people like Newton, Edison or Franklin come to mind. However, it should be noted that at thi...
Among the main challenges of reading in Mexico in the Internet era, the need to verify the legitimacy of the dissemination media to confirm that it is...
The black work, in architecture, it is the initial phase of a construction. That is, the steps that must be carried out before carrying out the constr...
The types of trusses they can vary depending on the balance, conformation and origin or designer. Known as flat or spatial lattices or as lattices and...
The more difficult engineering they are nuclear, chemical, nanotechnological or geological, among others. What are the reasons? In this article we wil...
The industrial automation It is the technology that is used, through control systems such as computers, robots and information technologies, to allow ...
A series circuit It is one in which the connection of the elements is made one followed by the other; that is, in sequence. In these circuits the elec...
The active filters They are those that have controlled sources or active elements, such as operational amplifiers, transistors or vacuum tubes. Throug...
There are many advantages and disadvantages of email. Its advantages include speed and low cost, while a disadvantage is the fact that it facilitates ...