The long dorsal, Also known as longissimo, it is a paired muscle located at the back of the trunk, on each side of the spine. It is part of the muscul...
The long flexor of the thumb It is a muscle that has the purpose of causing the flexion of the thumb and indirectly contributes to the movement of the...
The vomeronasal organ or Jacobson's organ it is a chemoreceptor organ that is part of the olfactory system of many animals and is found in a kind of c...
The glenoid cavity It is a concavity of the shoulder blade or scapula. The head of the humerus fits perfectly into it, forming the glenohumeral joint ...
The rotator cuff It is a structural complex formed by four muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis) and their tendons. Th...
The acromion It is a bone structure belonging to the shoulder blade, located in the lateral external extremity of this. It is a wide protrusion that s...
The coracoid process It is a bony protrusion that protrudes in the shape of a hook located on the shoulder blade or scapula, specifically on the anter...
The microscopic anatomy It is the science that studies the tiny structure of cells and tissues that make up the body of organisms. To be able to devel...
The clinical anatomy or applied is a branch of general anatomy that studies the function and structure of the elements of the human body, based on pos...