The Social psychology It is the discipline that is responsible for scientifically studying the influence that the presence of other people (whether re...
The effective communication personal, in organizations and companies is very important to achieve goals and develop personal relationships- The most c...
The non-verbal communication Non-verbal language is communication through the sending and receiving of non-verbal signals, without words. It includes...
The assertiveness It is a style of communication through which a person is able to assert their rights, express their opinions and be respected, witho...
Stop being shy, Quiet and insecure is possible, it is not an incorrigible and permanent personality trait forever. With certain habits and some effort...
The communication styles The main ones are the passive, assertive and aggressive, being accepted that the assertive is the most suitable to establish ...
The proactive people They are those that foresee consequences, risks and opportunities. In addition, they act to anticipate and change the anticipated...
Learn to be sociable It is important for personal and professional life: the human being is a social being and needs to be related to survive and be s...
The family problems They are very common and have particular characteristics, and it is that they are situations with a high affective content. On the...