That man is a social animal was already said by Aristotle in his work "La Politica", where he added that he cannot live in isolation and without socia...
When a relationship ends, a type of anxiety appears instinctively and immediately: separation anxiety. After a romantic breakup, many biological and c...
Yes, infidelity can be forgiven As long as forgiveness means understand, respect and heal, and not necessarily believe that you will magically forget ...
When you consider whether or not you are with the right person, with whom to have a relationship that makes you truly happy, you often resort to a dia...
Do we live in a truly egalitarian society? It is possible that many, both young and old, will answer yes. Although there have been obvious changes, th...
Love is probably the main source of pleasant and intense feelings, at the same time it makes us mobilize many actions and energies. It has evolutionar...
Introduction Since we are born we need to form bonds with others. No attempt to understand human behavior can be successful until we understand the in...
The results of a North American study called “Equality, household chores and sexual frequency in marriage ”. This study states that the men who help t...
When a person falls in love, they do not consciously choose it. Feel. He does not think. Sometimes there may be logical reasons and arguments for that...