I would like to talk about one of the couples issues that I attend the most in the consultation, either in couples therapy, and / or in individual the...
If you have finished reading this article, it is probably because you recently suffered a couple breakup. Here are 10 keys to make it easier for you o...
Going through a separation is an emotionally charged situation that leaves more traces than memories. In addition to the usual emotions, the unknowns ...
It has been days after ending a relationship and you are still used to speaking in the plural and considering a third party's agenda before making pla...
Before I tell you what are the three most common and fatal mistakes when ending a relationship, let me tell you something: It is inevitable, I know. W...
Life as a couple is not always easy and, from time to time, it leaves the fairy tale that we have been taught in books and in the cinema to find a rea...
Recently in the radio program in which I participate weekly, whose theme was: "People who do not enjoy romantic moments", a listener shared: I am roma...
In every relationship there are elements that allow it to grow and others that devalue it. From the proportion between the two we can predict the futu...
Toxic Relationships: Definition Regardless of the environment in which it takes place (as a couple, family, friendship, work, etc.), Toxic relationshi...